Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1168 Master Qi must confess!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi understood that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The killer of Country S had just been hit hard, and he was blinded by the explosion made by Gongjue. This opportunity happened to be a good opportunity for Gongjue to lead troops to break through S's defense line.

If this battle is successful, the borders of the empire can be kept safe for ten years.

Country s will need a long time to recuperate, and will not dare to act rashly again.

Therefore, Gong Jue will definitely lead the army himself.

She was very worried about his safety!

However, he knew that he could not stop his footsteps.

He is the person she cares about, and at the same time, he is also the guardian of this country.

The way he commands the three armies is his sexiest moment.

She couldn't keep him by her side just because of her own selfishness, preventing him from stepping into the world where danger and glory coexist.

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, her voice trembling slightly: "This time... how long will it take?"

Gong Jue looked into her eyes: "I don't know. But I will solve it quickly."

Gu Qiqi: "Can I go with you?"

Knowing that he would definitely not agree, she still couldn't help asking.


Gong Jue's face darkened: "Impossible! Going to the battlefield is a man's business. You obediently stay in school for the exam. Don't forget to fulfill your promise after the exam!"

What promise?

Oh, yes, she promised him that after the exam, he would take her to a quiet and beautiful place during the holidays and listen to her tell the story from four years ago.


She can't wait.

After being frightened and tormented last night, she couldn't wait to confess to him.

I want to tell him everything about her, I want to look forward to his answer, I want to be with him—while he is alive, I want to imprint her name in his heart!

Instead of leaving grudges when his life or death is uncertain!

She plucked up her courage: "Gongjue, don't wait until the exam is over, I'll tell you right now..."

"Bi——! Bi——!"

The military communicator on Gongjue's waist vibrated.

He destroyed the mobile phone, cut off all contact with the outside world, and only communicated with his subordinates through internal equipment.

"Wait a minute." Gong Jue hugged her, kissed her hard on the delicate cherry lips, and then strode away to answer the call by the window.

Gu Qiqi looked at his back, squeezed her small fists, and made up her mind: I can't hide it from him anymore, I must take advantage of his going to the front this time to clarify this matter, otherwise, if it really happens Yes... If something happens, she will regret it for the rest of her life.

Bai Lang watched helplessly as Gong Jue walked away. Having eaten his stomach full of dog food, he was finally able to interject: "Qiqi little goblin, I didn't understand what you just said! Why did I come to you early in the morning?" What happened to report that Gong Jue died in the line of duty? I am clearly here..."

Before he could finish speaking, behind him, Xiao Tuanzi rushed down from the dining table, walked up to Gu Qiqi with short legs, hugged her leg, and said pitifully, "Miss sister, I want it too!"

Ever since Gong Jue entered, Gu Qiqi's gaze has been fixed on Gong Jue.

The reversal from death to life was so shocking that she forgot about Tuanzi for a while, and only cared about seeing if Gong Jue was okay.

At this moment, she bent down guiltily and hugged Tuanzi: "What does Tuanzi want?"

Xiaotuanzi pouted: "I want what Papa got just now!"

He had been obedient just now, and he didn't disturb the little sister talking to Papa.

But, that doesn't mean he isn't depressed!

As soon as Papa came in, he played and kissed with the young lady, and they played for so long!

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