Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1169: A Conversation That Touches the Soul

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiaotuanzi stared at Gu Qiqi with his big shiny black grape eyes.

To be exact, it was the small cherry mouth staring at Gu Qiqi.

To kiss!

Baby wants to kiss!

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched slightly, and a suspicious blush appeared on her cheeks.

Xiaotuanzi's childish words echoed in his ears.

——I want what Papa got just now...

What did Gong Jue get from her just now? It seemed that there was only her initiative to kiss.

Her cute dumpling is actually asking for a kiss.

How could she bear to refuse?

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, hugged Xiaotuanzi tightly, took a sip, and kissed Tuanzi on the forehead: "Is this okay?"

Xiaotuanzi pouted dissatisfiedly, and pointed to his own lips: "It must be exactly the same as Papa!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Cough cough cough!

Gong Jue, come and take care of you!

In the end, Gu Qiqi was still defeated by Xiaotuanzi Yuxue's cute appearance, obediently surrendered, and gave Tuanzi a warm welcome!

Looking at Bailang beside him, his eyelids twitched.

I thought that Gong Jue would go away, he could finally see something normal, but who would have expected that Gong Jue's son is also a good hand at spreading dog food!

Wait, that little dumpling, hold back later, go outside with your uncle, and have a soul-touching conversation—it’s wrong to abuse a dog since childhood! Please find out about caring for single dogs!

As if finally feeling Bailang's resentment in her eyes, Gu Qiqi put down the dumpling, turned her head and frowned at Bailang: "You just said, what are you here for?"

Bailang burst into tears, oh my god, someone finally noticed his existence.

Sniffing, he waved several bids for beauty products and a stack of contracts in his hand:

"Ahem, this genius doctor is solemnly announcing to you that I signed a contract with a partner manufacturer last night, designed the beauty mask promotion plan jointly produced by Mr. Ye and me, and contacted the major media. Today Early in the morning, not only newspapers and magazines, but even the most iconic skyscrapers in all countries in the world will roll out the cartoon image of Mr. Ye and our beauty mask! Haha, women all over the world will snap up Mr. Ye Beauty products, your broken koji wine, it’s over! It’s over! You’ve lost to me and Young Master Ye!”

Gu Qiqi blinked, her lips parted slightly, and she didn't speak.

It turned out that Bai Lang excitedly ran over early in the morning just to announce this matter?

To show off his business success?

Instead of talking about the Hanbeiling explosion last night?

Seeing that Gu Qiqi was stunned and didn't respond, Bailang felt a little proud: "Are you surprised? Are you surprised?!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Surprise shit! Accidental fart!

If you speak clearly, you will die?

Don't talk about big things, big things, big things that are a foregone conclusion, big things that the whole world knows.

Can't you just say that the business is successful and the advertisements are broadcast all over the world?

Really, a guy who lacks expressive ability and can't speak clearly, kills people!

Gu Qiqi looked at Bailang with disdain, almost wanting to strangle him to death.

Bailang didn't get what he expected, Gu Qiqi's shocked and annoyed expression was simply too uncomfortable.

Unwilling to be reconciled, he leaned in front of Gu Qiqi, vividly, and continued to preach vividly:

"Hey, do you understand, how awesome is it to use the world's top media resources to launch a commercial in this way? How effective is it? Is it a crushing commercial victory? It's better than Han Beiling explosion The event is even more sensational, absolutely headline news! I guarantee that today women all over the world will talk about the handsomeness and beauty of Mr. Ye, and they all want to get a magic beauty mask produced by Mr. Ye himself!" chapter? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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