Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1170 Sir Alex learned the truth 4 years ago [must see]

Qianqian Novel Network

Bai Lang said exaggeratedly.

A certain person put all his energy into wanting to give Gu Qiqi a slap in the face.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi's reaction was very flat and calm: "Yes. Got it, you did a good job."

Although Bai Lang was surprised and played tricks, she almost believed that Gong Jue was really martyred.

But, on second thought——

Well, with Xiao Langlang doing his best to promote it, Mr. Ye's reputation will spread all over the world soon. As the reputation spreads and the efficacy of the mask spreads, the three words Mr. Ye will be loved by more and more women. Gratitude, gathering more and more intense emotions.

In a word, the color point will skyrocket accordingly, just around the corner.

With a large number of color points, she can quickly level up, unlock more martial arts skills, and compete with the strong.

From this point of view, Xiao Langlang did a good job!

She is very satisfied.

Hearing Gu Qiqi praise him for a good job, Bailang was dumbfounded.

Hey, this woman doesn't have cat disease, does she?

"Fuck, are you thanking me?" He was dubious.

"Yeah. Since the advertising effect is so good, why don't you go back and expand production quickly? What nonsense are you talking about here? When consumers realize that they want to buy facial masks, but you run out of stock, it's a sales crisis. People will riot! Extremes will reverse. Understand?"

Bailang scratched his head: "It seems... that's the reason. Then I'll go back to supervise the day and night operation of the pharmaceutical factory, um, can you add ten more production lines..."

He hurried out, unconsciously treating Gu Qiqi as Mr. Ye to discuss countermeasures.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Hey, I'm your competitor. If you give me advice like this, there shouldn't be any conspiracy?"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Ahem, ahem, just now, I just slipped my tongue, forgetting that I am not Mr. Ye now, so I shouldn't be instructing Bailang to do this or that.

Gu Qiqi had no choice but to fool around casually: "Yes, I just have a conspiracy. So what should you do next, use your brain to think about it!"

Bailang snorted arrogantly: "I'll go to my family, Mr. Ye, to discuss it! Mr. Ye and I drive a Hennessy to celebrate! Let's fly around the world to inspect markets, and do business while on vacation!"

Although Mr. Ye never gave him his contact information, he only contacted him with a public phone.

It is absolutely impossible to travel around the world with him.

However, in front of Gu Qiqi, he must not show timidity.

It is necessary to show that you are of the same heart with Mr. Ye, and have a strong relationship, so good that you can wear a pair of pants.

Gu Qiqi couldn't stop laughing, and didn't poke it out: "Yeah, you are amazing, you guys work hard."

Send Bailang away.

Gu Qiqi glanced at the window.

After talking for so long, Gong Jue was still using the intercom to talk to his subordinates.

From a distance, I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I could vaguely see Gong Jue's stern profile, which became more and more serious.

The bushy eyebrows were getting tighter and tighter.

Gu Qiqi thought to herself: The situation must be tense, right?

Even if the empire had the upper hand and seized the opportunity, fighting a war would not be easy.

Where in this world is there any war that is sure to win?

Isn't it all the achievements of the soldiers' blood and sweat?

She patiently waited for the conversation of the palace lord to end.

After appeasing Xiaotuanzi, he turned around and fastened his apron, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the Duke.

Gong Jue hadn't tasted the salty sweetness last night.


by the window.

Gong Jue furrowed his eyebrows deeply.

"Say it again! Have you really found out what happened four years ago?" Gong Jue's voice was cold.

Adjutant Lu on the other end of the phone was terrified and knew that the chief was a sign of anger.

He didn't dare to be careless, and replied cautiously: "I found a clue. I'm sure Miss Qiqi sold her eggs to other men four years ago..."

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