Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1176 You can peek at Sir Alex's bathing skills

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi had no choice but to reluctantly give up the mind-reading technique that was originally very attractive because of the side effect of being shy.

"Talk about normal skills!" She couldn't help but raise her voice and hit the little dirty turtle.

The little dirty turtle shivered, and had a flash of inspiration: "Master Yin, you can still be invisible! Or clone!"

Gu Qiqi raised her eyebrows: "I know invisibility, what is a clone?"

The little dirty turtle was enthusiastic: "A clone is divided into two, you can copy an identical self, do other things, and sneak attack behind the enemy! The important thing is that the clone can also double the speed. Let the strength of the body be doubled!"

Gu Qiqi is interested!

However, he still asked cautiously: "Does this skill have any side effects?"

The little dirty turtle thought for a while: "There are no other side effects. But if the clone is destroyed, the real body will be affected."

Gu Qiqi nodded: "It's understandable."

This skill sounds good.

The main reason is that it can double the combat power. If you add the power of the real body, it will triple the combat power, and it is very flexible. When there are no teammates, you can be your own teammate, and you can fight two against one.

More importantly, you can use the two skills of cultivating and Wu Qin Xi to greet the enemy at the same time. If you use it properly, the clone can even pretend to be another identity to confuse the enemy.

By the way, in this way, Ye Gongzi and Gu Qiqi can appear in front of the world at the same time.

Thinking of this possibility, the corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched - well, that's the skill!

However, shortly afterwards, the little dirty turtle whispered in her ear: "Master Yin, the stealth skill is also good. If you can hide, no place in this world can stop you. You can even drive straight into the enemy's base camp. Then you can disappear in a second when you meet a strong enemy. Isn’t it amazing? By the way, there is also Sir…”

Gu Qiqi glared at it, stupid tortoise, if you dare to use your invisibility skills to watch Gong Jue take a bath, I'll knock your head off, you try?

The little dirty turtle felt an inexplicable pressure from the aura.

Shrinking his head, he continued cautiously: "...cough cough cough, and when the lord wants to kiss you, you can hide yourself, Lord Yin!"

Gu Qiqi: "...!"

Count your senses!

Hmm, it sounds like this skill is also quite useful.

It is a superior defensive technique.

And it can also prevent Gong Jue from always doing shameful things in front of the children.


This is very confusing.

Choose to be invisible?

Or doppelganger?

Each has its pros and cons!

Gu Qiqi struggled for a while, but was finally attracted by the high-intensity attack power, so she reluctantly gave up the stealth skill and chose the avatar.

To unlock a new skill, as usual, you have to go through a lot of spiritual suffering and the consumption of color points.

However, with previous experience, Gu Qiqi gritted her teeth and survived this level.

Following the little dirty turtle's "Master Yin, it's done!", Gu Qiqi couldn't wait to try her new skill.

Spiritual consciousness moved slightly.

She felt a lightness in her body, as if a wisp of her soul was taken away in an instant, and her original body was a little light.

However, when I looked around, I didn't see an identical self, did I?

"What's wrong?" She frowned slightly.

She knew that everything would not go so smoothly.

The little dirty turtle spoke weakly, as if with a guilty conscience: "That... Master Yin, we seem to have activated the wrong skill..."

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched: "...!"

Can she change to a reliable Goldfinger pet?

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