Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1177 Unscrupulous new skills

Qianqian Novel Network

Wrong skill?

So what skills did she develop?

Gu Qiqi was feeling depressed, when suddenly, vaguely, she sensed a familiar aura directly in front of her!

Immediately, her vision became clearer and clearer, and she saw the outlines gradually appearing in the void.

Delicate soles, slender legs, and then a small snake waist, then a round chin...thick long hair...a cool face...

Hiss... This is a bit familiar.

She saw herself!

There is nothing wrong with the skills, her consciousness has been divided into two, and she is looking at the exact same self in the original body and the clone.

"What the hell are you doing?" Gu Qiqi asked the little dirty turtle in a deep voice.

The little dirty turtle coughed twice in embarrassment: "Master Yin, it's a mistake. I didn't expect that we would activate a skill that is one level higher than the body - clone and shadow."

"Avatar incarnation? What is this?"

"Generally speaking, it is similar to the skill of the clone, but it has hidden the attribute of invisibility! So when the clone appeared just now, we couldn't see it. Try it and see if it can disappear and reappear at will?"

Gu Qiqi frowned.

In the beginning, I was not very proficient in this skill.

However, after a period of running-in, she will soon be able to clone, hide, and move skillfully...

That's great, I was still struggling with avatars and invisibility just now.

Now it is equivalent to mastering the two skills together.

Her avatar can be hidden at will, which is very flexible. If you can beat it, you can fight it, and if you can't beat it, you can run away.

The little dirty turtle also became excited: "Master Yin, I think this new skill is too awesome. Let's go to the bank with our avatar? We can bring a lot of small money back..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Wouldn't this be too immoral?

Her life direction is a doctor, not a thief, okay?

She pressed the little dirty turtle's nose: "Don't make noise, I want to test the force value of the avatar."

Going out, as usual, I came to the dense forest behind the Imperial Military Medical University.

She experimented directly around the Pharmacopoeia.

Move and dodge, tiger and deer jump, sure enough, the agility of the avatar can be doubled, and even, during the experiment, "accidentally" moved the pharmacopoeia by an inch.


That is a heavy indigo stone.

This inch is amazing.

Gu Qiqi was surprised to find that after the moved Qingdai Stone, brand new medicinal materials appeared around it!

It was a combination of herbs that she had never seen before.

So, the ever-changing pharmacopoeia is also related to the location?

Surprised, Gu Qiqi quickly wrote down the new prescription, and tried hard to continue moving the pharmacopoeia.

However, after a busy day, the Pharmacopoeia moved several small positions, but there was no change.

Naturally, the eye disease prescription she wanted didn't appear.

With a harvest and a little loss, Gu Qiqi called it a day and went home.

On the school road, they met Bei Mingtian who was pulling a suitcase.

Qiu Lu was behind Bei Mingtian, helping him carry a bundle of medicine books, seeing Gu Qiqi coming towards him, he greeted happily: "Master!"

Gu Qiqi glanced at Bei Mingtian's luggage: "Is it so cool that Xiao Tiantian can go on vacation early?"

Bei Mingtian's face moved slightly, and his lips were tightly pursed: "I am your senior brother!"

Gu Qiqi didn't take it seriously: "Yeah, Brother Xiaotiantian. If you want to leave, don't tell me in advance, so we can see you off. Huh? No, seniors also have final exams, Brother Xiaotiantian?"

Why does she feel that something is wrong?

Originally, I wanted Bei Mingtian to help Qiu Lu review well, so as to save Sun Fei from bullying Qiu Lu during the final exam.

Now that Bei Mingtian was gone, she would have no time to practice, and Qiu's final grades might suffer. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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