Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1401 Hanging on the tree!

Qianqian Novel Network

Kunli's three subordinates rushed out one by one, each holding a branch with an extremely sharp tip in their hands, and according to Kunli's instructions, they gave everyone in Young Master Ye's team a hard poke. Let them die.

Just when they aimed at each other and were about to poke down!

Misfortune happened suddenly!

Three fierce leopard roars sounded, and the snow-white figure leaped up, grabbing the back of the necks of the three subordinates with precision!

"Aww - pain pain pain pain!!!"

The feeling of being pierced by the leopard's sharp teeth was not pleasant, and the three of them immediately howled.

Surprised in my heart: Didn't the leopard also die of poison? How can it be so fierce?

Just as he was wondering, facing Gong Jue, Lisa and Uncle Yun, he turned over abruptly, and directly swung the hard rocks on the ground, and without hesitation came a head-on blow!

The back of the neck was bitten and the face was smashed. Kunli's three subordinates were in a state of embarrassment.

Qi Qi fell to the ground on the street, and there was an endless stream of screams for a while.

Kunli, who was hiding in the bushes, was still complacent just now, waiting to clean up Mr. Ye, but unexpectedly the situation turned upside down in the blink of an eye.

He stared dumbfounded at how vulnerable his subordinates were, like paper men who were dealt with so helplessly by the opponent.

After reacting, he cursed furiously in his heart: "Damn, that little boy surnamed Ye is actually pretending to be dead! Shameless!"

He thought that he had successfully ambushed the other party, but in the end he fell into the trap of the other party, causing them to counter-ambush.

But how could the other party do it!

The poisonous mist he released was developed by his brother himself, and it was the trump card of his two brothers, Kumbu Kunli.

Except for the two brothers, no one in this world has an antidote.

Even if the person surnamed Ye was not afraid of poison by nature, but how did the other two little chickens and the leopard survive the poisonous fog?

Doubts made him feel that Mr. Ye was unfathomable and the situation more terrifying the more he thought about it.

He knew he couldn't stay long.

The wailing of his subordinates was still piercing his eardrums.

The words "Boss is wise, Boss is mighty" that he adores enthusiastically on weekdays have all been replaced by "Boss help me, Boss save me!"

Kunli spat and cursed "trash" in his heart, thinking that those who are not up to date will know to rely on him.

But he would never waste time on the trash.

He didn't think about saving them at all, and he just regretted it for a second. On the next journey, no one flattered him and called him the boss, which is a bit regrettable.

But so what, he threw away these trash and ran faster alone, maybe he could surpass the two teams in front and win the first place.

When the time comes, he will return to Country S with glory, and worry about no one coming to flatter him?

It was too late to say it, but Kunli left his companion cruelly and was about to sneak away.

However, a cold and strong hand clasped his shoulder instantly.

The next second, a cold male voice suddenly sounded: "Why, let's go now? Don't you want to turn out my intestines and hang it on a tree? It's not a man who can't do it, but a bear..."

Kunli trembled uncontrollably!

Ye Gongzi's voice!

This is Young Master Ye's voice!

He looked not far away in horror, clearly there, Mr. Ye was instructing Fourth Master, Lisa and Uncle Yun to cooperate with the leopard to attack his men.

Why is there another Young Master Ye appearing behind him!

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