Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1402 Kuo fear, what level of god is this!

Qianqian Novel Network

Fear, boundless fear, spread all over Kunli.

The scary thing is not how powerful the opponent is, but how powerful the opponent is, bottomless!

With a trembling voice, he said, "surname, surname Ye, are you a human or a ghost? You, how could you not be afraid of my poison?"

"Hehe." Gu Qiqi's avatar came out of the shadow, chuckled, "Because your brother gave me the antidote..."

Kunley was taken aback.

His brother Kumbu has disappeared for a long time since his last mission. Even the Teutonic General of country S couldn't find his brother's whereabouts.

Otherwise, he would not be sent to lead the team in this operation.

This Mr. Ye knew his brother?

Seeing a glimmer of hope, Kunli looked like he was turning the pages of a book, and immediately expressed a bit of flattery without moral integrity: "Young Master Ye, you have something to say. Since you and my brother are very familiar, why should we still be enemies with each other? It was my fault before. I didn’t know that you were my brother’s friend. I offended you because I didn’t know Taishan. Please look at my brother’s face and don’t care about me? I promise, from this moment on , never dare to fight against you again! And I will do my best to help you win the championship!"

After finishing speaking, realizing that Mr. Ye was already a famous champion on the list, he coughed in embarrassment: "Ahem, that, no, no, I will try my best to help you do everything, obey your orders, and obey your orders! Great Pharmacist Isn’t the guild giving out a lot of prizes? Then I’ll be your coolie and help you move out!…”

Kunli chattered on and on. He didn't have the half arrogance he had before. He was just a submissive boy with his face almost on the ground.

He thought, this will always impress Mr. Ye, right?

With the background of his elder brother to back him up, to make connections, and to promise benefits by himself, Mr. Ye has no reason not to let him go.

As a human being, interests are always paramount. He believes that as long as Mr. Ye is not stupid, he will definitely make the most favorable choice.

Who knows, he guessed completely wrong.

So stupid, it seems to be him!

Young Master Ye smiled coldly, and raised the corners of his lips playfully: "I'm so sorry, I think I have to tell you how I got the antidote from your brother."

" did you get it?" Kunli still didn't realize it stupidly.

Mr. Ye said lightly: "I just killed him and got it from his collection room."

Kunli's mind exploded with a "boom!"

Brother was killed!

Brother was killed! ! !

It wasn't just the news of Kumbu's killing that shocked him.

But the one who killed Kumbu was actually this little white-faced Ye Gongzi in front of him.

That's pretty scary.

No wonder he always felt that the little boy was unfathomable.

The person who can kill his brother is definitely not an ordinary person, he is more powerful than the number one killer in country s.

Oh my god, what level of master did he provoke? This is it.

Kunli shivered, speechless in shock.

Gu Qiqi looked at the effect with satisfaction, and said with a sarcasm, "So, who was IQ arrears just now, who dared to poison me on the way? Even an old poison like your brother died under my hands, don't you think so? Can you outlive your brother?"

conspiracy! It's all a conspiracy!

cunning! Really cunning!

At this moment, Kunli finally fully understood how Mr. Ye ordered everyone to pretend to be dead and set up a counter-ambush just now.

Unfortunately, it was too late to know!

Now even if he wanted to ask for mercy, it was too late!

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