Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1440: The Truly Powerful Man

Qianqian Novel Network

With trembling hands, Gu Qiqi uncovered the medicine bag on Xiaobei's eyelids.

She was also too impatient: "Xiaobei, try opening your eyes?"

Xiao Bei was startled: "Sister, didn't you just say that what you gave me was ordinary nursing?"

Gu Qiqi purposely concealed the true effect of the medicine in order not to let him worry about gains and losses.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was she who was too restless and accidentally slipped her mouth.

Since I missed it, I simply did not hide it from Xiaobei: "Well, it is nursing, and it is also... a drug test. This is the black dead flower fruit I found on the ghost island during this trip. You have regained your sight. But there is only hope, let’s try first..."

Xiaobei's heart skipped a beat.

There is finally a cure for his eyes?

Just now my sister asked him if he could see it, who would he like to see the first time, instead of chatting with him casually, is it really possible to look forward to this day? !

Excited, Xiao Bei tried to open his eyelids.

However, there was a long silence: "Sister, I still can't see anything."

Gu Qiqi's eyes turned red, and she held back her tears: "The prescription also needs to be used continuously for more than half a month. I'm too impatient. How can it be effective once? Xiao Bei, don't worry, let's take it slowly. The big deal At worst, sister will help you try for a few more months..."

She was comforting Xiao Bei, and even more comforting herself.

However, she felt sad when she said this.

If it doesn't work for half a month, it's completely ineffective, and it's useless to try for a long time.

It was Gong Jue's consolation, with a masculine air: "Xiaobei, the most important thing for a man is to try bravely. The thing you applied is said to be painful and painful. You can keep applying the medicine for half a month, regardless of the result. I respect you as a hero! A truly powerful man!"

"Really, brother-in-law, do you think I'm brave? Is it possible for me to become a truly powerful man?" Xiaobei's face was lightly lit up.

In this way, even if he is blind, is he qualified to protect Sister Yunqiao?

Gong Jue raised his chin, and patted him on the shoulder as if he were a mature man: "You can do it."

Xiaobei took a deep breath excitedly: "Thank you brother-in-law!"

Gu Qiqi watched the two men communicate in surprise.

To be honest, she didn't understand what they were communicating at all?

Are you talking about healing? What kind of real man are two people talking about? What the hell is a man's power?

What made her unbelievable was that Xiaobei was comforted by Gong Jue's few words, so that his fighting spirit became high again: "Sister, I am willing to continue testing medicine!"

Gu Qiqi: "...!"

All right.

It is good to have the will to fight.

If I had known that Gong Jue was actually good at psychotherapy, I should have let him chat with Xiaobei more!

Perhaps, it is really the correct communication language between men and men.

Gu Qiqi was turning around to continue dispensing medicine.

Suddenly, Xiao Bei muttered, "Why did Brother Yun climb onto the hospital bed?"

Gu Qiqi replied casually: "No, it's too noisy. Just now, Gong Jue cut off its power supply, so he should be sleeping with no power now? Wait, what are you talking about, Xiaobei?"

Gu Qiqi belatedly, her voice became agitated.

She suddenly realized, how did Xiao Bei know that Brother Yun was crawling on the hospital bed!

She turned her head abruptly, really, the poor Brother Yun, who was about to run out of battery, couldn't make a sound, but persistently hugged the bed legs, trying to climb onto Xiaobei's hospital bed.

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