Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1441 An explosive call!

Qianqian Novel Network

It can be said that if you don't use your eyes to see this obscene movement of Brother Yun, you will never hear it by listening to the sound.

Did Xiao Bei... "see" it?

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat.

With trembling hands, he waved in front of Xiaobei's eyes: "Xiaobei, you..."

"Sister, is there a fan waving in front of me?" Xiaobei's innocent voice sounded immediately.

With tears in her eyes, Gu Qiqi couldn't bear the surging emotion in her heart anymore.

She hugged Xiao Bei tightly, tightly, and her voice was a little hoarse: "Xiao Bei, sister is really happy for you... Really, the Lord God did not give up on us, did not give up..."

The excitement made her a little incoherent.

Even though what appeared in front of Xiaobei's eyes were only phantoms, there was still a long way to go before he could fully regain his sight.

However, this is already a very optimistic trend, isn't it?

At least it shows that the medicine is effective!

The prescription is real!

There is great hope for recovery!

Xiaobei was stunned for a long time before he realized: "Sister, you say that I am like this... see?"

He is blind, so naturally he doesn't know what a normal person's vision is like.

Brother Yun has been with him day and night, and he is very familiar with its outline, so he was able to capture the vague shadow just now.

Before, he was imagining that the first one he saw would be his sister, brother-in-law and Yun Qiao, but he didn't expect that the first one he saw would be Brother Yun.

Gu Qiqi nodded: "It's a very optimistic sign of recovery! Now you can see phantoms, followed by clear outlines, then colors, and then three-dimensional details...Of course, you still need to do special rehabilitation training, because You are not familiar with the appearance of many items, at least you must be familiar with the things you often encounter in life..."

Gong Jue put his arms around Gu Qiqi's waist: "Take your time, let Xiaobei rest too. Huh?"

Gong Jue's reminder made Gu Qiqi suddenly realize that she was too anxious.

I can't wait, hoping that Xiaobei can reach the sky in one step, finish all these rehabilitation trainings in one day, and completely return to a normal person.

How can this be?

She shouldn't put pressure on Xiao Bei, don't be so anxious.

Gong Jue is right, take your time.

"Okay, I'll make up the medicine for tomorrow first. Xiaobei, you rest first." Gu Qiqi tried to relax her tone.

But in fact, all her muscles were in a tense state—she struggled with the bad effect of the medicine, and even more nervous when the medicine worked too well, for fear that the effect would reverse next time!

However, Gong Jue supported her small shoulders: "I suggest that you hand over the method of dispensing the medicine to my military doctor. There will be very professional people here to accompany Xiao Bei during the dispensing, dressing, and rehabilitation training."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice a little: "You are too nervous, I suggest you let go temporarily and let professionals serve Xiaobei. After half a month, I will accompany you to check the results! Give you back your bright eyes." Little Bei!"

Gu Qiqi refused to accept: "I am the most professional person!"

Gong Jue had a good time: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic."

These four words left Gu Qiqi speechless.

I have to admit that Gong Jue is the one who makes sense again.

She took a deep breath and made a difficult decision: "Okay, then I will tell your military doctor the prescription and method..."

Gong Jue hooked his lips: "Well, that's right."

The secret smirk put away, if he didn't forcefully intervene, the daughter-in-law might have to postpone his "sex" on happiness life to half a month later.

Aww, I definitely can't agree!

Just after convincing Gu Qiqi, Gong Jue's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" The man immersed in the longing for happiness, was full of impatience, "Long story short! Hurry up!"

On the other end of the phone, Lieutenant Lu blushed and pursed his lips: "Report to the chief, the person who bought Miss Qiqi's egg and raped her... found it!"

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