Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1477: Secret Operation

Qianqian Novel Network

On this side, Gu Qiqi was in the hotel lobby, waiting to ask Gong Jue the truth.

On the other side, Gong Jue has already taken the No. 1 small hand plane and flew to the Kingdom of Tonga at high speed.

Along the way, he rarely turned on the automatic cruise system, and instead of manipulating No. 1, he set a route and let the small plane cruise by itself.

No. 1 is very confused, the Chief Chief has always liked the sense of control, even if it is a high-tech fighter that can be completely unmanned, but under normal circumstances, the Chief Chief will drive it himself.

Tonight, what's wrong with Mr. Chief?


As soon as the little handjob was distracted for a second, the alarm sounded.

It was so startled that the wings trembled, and quickly checked the system, quickly found the reason, and reported to Gong Jue: "Report to the chief, when the car was smashed with too much force just now, a screw in the wing loosened, causing the alarm system to warn. I will start self-repair now, and it will be fixed in ten seconds!"

Gong Jue sat in the driver's seat, looking through the vast sea of ​​clouds, wondering what he was thinking about.

He only responded lightly: "Yes."

The small gray machine quickly started repairing, thinking, I knew that the smashed car should have been bombarded with missiles just now... Cough cough cough, no, it seems that it is better to smash it, and it feels stronger...

After flying for several hours, we finally arrived at the Tonga Islands.

In fact, the little handjob is a little confused. The chief executive took Miss Qiqi away from the ghost island near the Tonga Islands two days ago. Why did he go back so quickly?

Is there any particularly urgent purpose for Mr. Chief to come here?

Is it related to girl Qiqi?

But it is a competent little handjob, and when it is not talkative, it will resolutely shut up and not gossip.

As soon as he landed on the island, Gong Jue immediately drove to a remote town by the sea in the Kingdom of Tonga.

This town doesn't even have a name on the map. The terrain is rugged and steep, facing the sea on three sides, and the virgin forest and the Grand Canyon on the other side.

At the entrance of the forest, some men in cloth robes were pacing with guns, heavily guarded.

Only the locals know that no outsiders are allowed to enter here, and it is a sacred forbidden area for the witch doctor clan!

Those who approach, die!

Gongjue parked his car in the distance, and approached along the edge of the forest...

He precisely calculated the pace and pace of the other party's patrolling pace.

Seeing the right moment, he shot suddenly, grabbed a person by the neck, and within a second - unloaded the gun, knocked on the head, and dragged, dragging the person into the bushes.

It's almost there, even the man's companions haven't noticed that there is one less patroller!

This is the leader who is proficient in jungle warfare!

"Where is Wu Nineteen?" Gong Jue pointed a gun at the man's forehead.

The witch doctor was overwhelmed by a series of surprise attacks.

For so many years, no one has dared to break through the blockade of the witch doctor clan, so their patrols and guards have been going through the motions all these years.

Unexpectedly, there are really passers-by who are not afraid of death!

But the terrain of this forest is complicated, and the medicinal herbs inside can only be used by people from the witch doctor clan, so it is useless for this man to go in.

Could it be that he is a good friend of His Highness the Nineteenth Prince, who knows His Highness's current situation...he came to be a hero to save the beauty?

The male witch doctor shivered, without any resistance, and directly told the truth: "His Nineteenth Royal Highness lost the game of the Great Pharmacist Guild, and was thrown into the snake cave by the patriarch to receive punishment..."

"Snake hole?" Gong Jue frowned.

"That's right, it's right in the Grand Canyon on the right side of the forest, where it's dark and humid all the year round, and there are countless types of poisonous snakes: cobras, double-headed snakes, golden kraits, giant pythons..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Get to the point!"

Gong Jue clicked the gun into the chamber, and said coldly.

The male witch doctor was so frightened that he was even more confused, completely unable to figure out the intention of Gong Jue's trip. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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