Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1478 She is a very pure virgin

Qianqian Novel Network

The male witch doctor had an idea, and he thought that men must be sympathetic to each other, so it is correct to say: "Yes, yes, don't shoot, hero, I say everything. That place is very dangerous, and you can come out alive if you go in. It is already a miracle. And as a girl who loves beauty, even if she comes out alive, she will be poisoned by snake poison and her face will be ruined, so there seems to be no difference between living and dying..."

Gongjue frowned even tighter.

Unexpectedly, Wu Nineteen generously donated money back then and lent the only medicine cauldron to help Gu Qiqi pass the final test, but in exchange for such a miserable end for herself.

He promised Wu Nineteen that he would pay back the favor that Qiqi owed her.

If Wu Jiujiu died in the snake cave, he would probably be reciting Qiqi before he died, and he would never die with peace in his eyes.

He didn't want Wu Nineteen's soul to linger, to be a ghost and come and haunt Qiqi!

Originally, he came to the witch doctor family for an important purpose... to give Wu Shijiu an irreplaceable task.

Now it seems that Wu Nineteen is unable to complete the things he explained, and instead asks him to rescue people and pay back favors.

Gongjue's face became serious.

The male witch doctor observed the words and expressions, and obviously noticed the change in Gong Jue's face.

He thought complacently, look, men are reluctant to let women suffer, tsk tsk, he bet on the right idea!

Thinking of this, the male witch doctor smiled icing on the cake and said: "Hero, our Nineteenth Highness is unmarried, looks handsome, has never had a boyfriend, and is a first-time girl, so pure! If you can save She, she must have promised her with her body... ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, Gong Jue hit him on the back of the head with a stick: "You think too much!"

Gongjue left him coldly, and walked towards the forest canyon coldly.

The second before the male witch doctor passed out, he thought depressingly, what did he say wrong?

This man didn't go there for the beauty, could he also go there to catch the snake? ? ?

Baby can't figure it out!


In the dark and damp snake cave.

Wu Nineteen had spent the first day and night.

Carefully avoiding the attack of the poisonous snake, she finally climbed up a dead branch in mid-air, and was able to linger on.

Master's scolding still echoed in my ears: "Wu Nineteen! You are too disappointing! Our witch doctor clan has always been the best in the competitions of the Great Medicine Masters Guild. Every year, our witch doctor clan takes the first place. .Only you! Only you, a trash, actually lost the game! How can I save face? And it’s not because of strength, but because of softness! Do you know that talking about kindness to your opponent is cruel to yourself! If you don’t Know, then go to the snake cave to experience it!"

The master was angry, and none of the brothers who loved her on weekdays dared to say a word for her.

If Wu Er, the second senior brother who loves her the most, is there, he might help her, but unfortunately Wu Er is also missing now, and he cannot protect himself.

So without any suspense, Wu Nineteen was thrown into the snake cave.

After a day and night of thrilling struggles, she was really lingering on her last breath—because at this moment, her whole body was covered with scars, and there was hardly a piece of good flesh.

Bitten by a snake.

cut by stone.

Bitten by poisonous insects.

Grinded by countless times of climbing and avoiding...

All the antidotes she had on her body had been used up.

If another snake came to bite her, she would die completely.

Do you regret it?

For a man, I have fallen to such a point, and that man still doesn't know anything, doesn't know her silent dedication and sacrifice at all.

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