Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1479 This is the meaning of love

Qianqian Novel Network

In the cold and gloomy snake cave, Wu Jiu curled up on a dead branch with his knees bent, caressed the wounds all over his body, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and murmured:

"No, I don't regret it! For Mr. Ye, I am willing!"

He won the championship to save people.

And she was just doing it for Master's face and vanity.

Therefore, his goal is more important.

She was willing to make such a sacrifice for him, even if he would never know it in his life.

"Is she so worthy of your love? She doesn't know the love of a fool like you. What's the point of everything you do?" In the middle of nowhere, a voice came from above her head.

It seems to be asking her, but also like asking himself.

Wu Jiujiu couldn't help blurting out: "Yes, he is worth it! Loving him is my own business. I don't need him to understand, I don't need him to know. As long as I think that there is such a person in the world who is worthy of my love, I will I feel that the whole heart is complete. This is the meaning of love."

In the dark voice, let out a cold snort: "Stupid..."

It's like contempt, more like exclamation.

Wu Nineteen was not convinced: "Whoever said this is stupid. Some people will never experience such a pure taste of giving wholeheartedly and not expecting anything in return. Hehe, on the contrary, the kind of people who will only impetuously pursue fame and wealth all their lives, or blindly What's the point of a life that takes and possesses? That kind of person is stupid..."

Just as Wu Jiujiu was talking, suddenly, a slender silver ring snake climbed up from the stone wall of the snake cave.

Quietly, along the branches, it was rushing towards her.

The snake poked its head, poked, cunningly, poked towards her back...

Fortunately, Wu Jiujiu was not a vegetarian either. Even though he was in a state of embarrassment and injuries at the moment, he still reacted very quickly. He suddenly turned over, and with a wave of his hand, he pinched seven inches of the Coral Snake with his bare hands, and threw it away!


If this is flat land, she will be safe and sound.

But this is a snake cave, and it is a dead branch sticking out of the stone wall.

When Wu Nineteen grabbed the snake and tossed it like this, the dead branch, which was not very strong, immediately snapped apart!

What's worse, when she reached out to grab another dead branch, trying to maintain her balance, there happened to be a brown poisonous snake ambushing on it, which was well hidden and the same color as the dead branch. This grab was a coincidence. On the head of the snake.

If you don't get bitten back by a snake, it's simply unreasonable.

Caught off guard, she screamed "Ah—" and couldn't support herself any longer and fell down.

The bottom is the place where she was bitten and attacked by countless poisonous snakes.

At that time, she still had medicine by her side, which could detoxify her, but now she has nothing!

If you fall down and land on the pile of snakes, you will die!

And she will be bitten into the worst and ugliest appearance. What's even more frightening is that she once overheard her brothers discussing in private that there is a particularly obscene snake in this snake cave, which will slip through the mouth of a woman... …


And what she didn't expect was that she didn't tremble from fear at this moment, but felt a little rejoicing.

Fortunately, Mr. Ye didn't see her end in such a mess...

"Master Ye, goodbye! In the next life, I hope to meet you sooner!" Wu Jiujiu muttered to himself, closed his eyes, and fell down without any unnecessary struggle as if resigned to his fate...

Just when she fell less than two or three meters.

Suddenly, a rope was thrown from the top of the cave, and the top of the rope was actually a heavy noose, which caught her all at once.

Immediately, a strong force pulled her out of the snake hole! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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