Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1515 It's better to be a phoenix tail than a chicken head

Qianqian Novel Network

These people are shameless enough to become so-called heroes by beating Gong Jue!

Gu Qiqi sneered inwardly.

He suddenly heard his own name spit out from those people's mouths:

"Xuexue, once you come back, you will be in the same school as your cousin Gu Qiqi again! The School of Forensic Medicine is not well-known now, but the School of Pharmacy is very famous. Will you be transferred to Gu Qiqi's School of Pharmacy? ah?"

"Yes, yes, this time the school is sorry for you and has wronged you. If you are begging you to come back, it must be the college you want to choose, so you can choose which one?"

"If it were me, of course I would choose Gu Qiqi's pharmacy school!"

Everyone is praising the School of Pharmacy, it's really because Gu Qiqi is in the limelight in the World Medical Competition, and the School of Pharmacy has also brought supreme glory.

Today's School of Pharmacy has already become the most popular major in Imperial Medical University. I heard that this year's college entrance examination, many people will choose to apply for the School of Pharmacy as their first choice!

In the old days, there were very few people.

Today, hot!

Unfortunately, Gu Xuexue didn't think so.

As soon as she heard these people mention the word Gu Qiqi, deep contempt and unwillingness floated in her eyes.

She fell down and got up after all the hardships, wasn't it just to come back and hit Gu Qiqi in the face?

How could it be possible to be willing to go to Gu Qiqi's academy, making people feel that she is hugging Gu Qiqi's thigh and taking advantage of Gu Qiqi?

Besides, what do these people know?

Gu Qiqi will fall soon!

Everyone knows about Gong Jue's scandal, and it's Gu Qiqi's turn next!

It's just that, I heard from Mommy that Gu Qiqi was still hiding abroad and didn't dare to come back, and now that the news is useless, and she can't catch anyone, that's why she didn't move.

If they waited for Gu Qiqi to return to the country, they would take action immediately and put Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue in jail and execute them for treason!

At that time, who cares about going to some pharmacy school?

Who cares about studying the same major as Gu Qiqi?

These ignorant short-sighted guys!

Gu Xuexue was thinking in her heart, but she tried her best not to show any clues on her face. After all, what she knew was still a secret so far.

No one knows yet, they will deal with Gu Qiqi next.

Therefore, Gu Xuexue just pursed her lips and smiled: "School of pharmacy... I really don't plan to go to this one. If I want to come back, I will definitely go to the best college. Of course it is the first gold medal major in our school-clinical medicine!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Shen Ping, the dean of the clinical medical school, was ruined last month. The Shen family has gone bankrupt, and the reputation of the entire clinical medical school has been damaged.

Not to mention that in the college competition and the World Medical Competition, the performance of the people from the School of Clinical Medicine was so bad that they couldn't compare with the lineup of the School of Pharmacy.

How could Xuexue choose clinical medicine instead of pharmacy?

Everyone didn't understand Gu Xuexue's psychology, but now that Gu Xuexue is proud of herself, everyone is very good at being a human being, and no one wants to expose it, but compliments her with a smile and congratulates her: "Okay, okay, clinical medicine is the best, Those who come out are all great medical experts... Our Xuexue is amazing!"

At this time, Gu Xuexue said modestly: "Hehe, as the saying goes, it's better to be a phoenix tail than a chicken head. That's the reason."

This sentence can be said to be very arrogant.

This clearly implies that pharmacy schools are inferior chickens and garbage.

And the School of Clinical Medicine is a superior phoenix, a treasure! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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