Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1516: Drink coffee with Mr. Ye

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi didn't want to talk to Gu Xuexue at first, and planned to continue to lead the female students forward, but hearing the chicken head and phoenix tail talk, it was like trampling on their pharmacy school.

I haven't been in the pharmacy school for more than a month. These people are not enough men to step on her, and they want to step on her school?

This is unbearable!

She paused, raised her lips coldly and said, "A chicken is a chicken, even if it is thrown into the pile of phoenixes, it is still a chicken. Not to mention that the School of Pharmacy does not accept chickens, even the School of Veterinary Medicine looks down on self-righteous chickens."

Her tone was cold and slow, each word was enough for people within ten meters around her to hear clearly.

Even though the words are a bit convoluted, everyone understands it!

Immediately, someone couldn't help it, and finally covered their lips and snickered!

——Gu Xuexue still thinks that she is very capable as a phoenix, but in Ye Gongzi's eyes, she is only at the level of a chicken, hahaha!

——What phoenix tail, Gu Xuexue, is this a cocktail? ? ?

——How can there be such a tasteless Phoenix, spreading it everywhere for fear that others will not know that she is a chicken!

Gu Xuexue froze when she heard this.


Such a vicious tongue so disrespectful to her?

"I tore this piece of yours..."

She was so angry that she just wanted to swear back like a shrew, saying that she would tear your mouth apart.

In the end, before he finished speaking, he raised his head and suddenly realized that the speaker, isn't this Mr. Ye?

At the World Medical Competition, she was thinking of trying to seduce Mr. Ye but failed!

She dreams of Mr. Ye who wants to have sex with her!

Even though it's been a long time, meeting him again, still makes her eager to move, unable to extinguish!

Anger turned into a surging hormone in an instant!

A blush rose on Gu Xuexue's cheeks, and she was so thick-skinned that she didn't hear Mr. Ye mocking her at all. She greeted her softly, "Mr. Ye, why did you come to our school? Don't say anything, I'll pick you up?"

Speaking so intimately and naturally, she and Mr. Ye are old acquaintances.

The female classmates behind Gu Qiqi were unhappy.

Spray back one by one first:

"Hey, Gu Xuexue, it seems that you have been fired and haven't officially announced that you can come back?"

"That's right, an expelled student, why do you say 'our school', who is the same school as you, you have to figure it out!"

"I still dream that you can choose any college at will. Who do you think you are? What are you doing rampant in front of our Young Master Ye!"

Gu Xuexue's face trembled unnaturally.

She could see that most of the girls behind Mr. Ye were from the School of Pharmacy and the School of Veterinary Medicine, but she offended these people by showing off just now.

But these people are nothing, the key is that Mr. Ye can treat her differently.

She rolled her eyes: "Master Ye, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that just now. In fact, I don't know much about choosing a major. I just said nonsense, and I can change it! If it's convenient for you, you can come and guide me How about? My sisters and I are going to a western restaurant for supper, why don't we have a cup of coffee and chat? Do you... have time?"




The girls behind Gu Qiqi glared at Gu Xuexue angrily.

This shameless woman actually seduced Mr. Ye in front of them.

Shengsheng changed the topic to eating western food, drinking coffee and talking about professional aspirations?

This kind of social ability, and the ability to set the topic almost, is simply amazing.

Mr. Ye, you must not be fooled.

Just when the younger sisters were looking at Gu Qiqi eagerly, Gu Qiqi replied in a nonchalant manner: "Time? I have..." The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, Please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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