Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1612 Slap in the face by issuing a statement overnight

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi also thought of this for a moment, and said pleasantly: "That boy who cooks medicine! Gong Jue, if you find that boy, ask him to testify, this is the most powerful evidence! He knows that you didn't kill someone intentionally, and he also knows that those who The identity of the villagers is Hefu and his subordinates!"

The more she thought about it, the more important this clue became, and she murmured:

"And Huff's enemies back then, they've been there too, haven't they?"

"However, Huff's enemies probably don't know about the destruction of the village, but they can testify that Huff's secret place was there. It can be regarded as side evidence, which can support positive evidence for you and the medicine-cooking boy."

"But in the final analysis, the most important witness is the boy who cooks medicine...the boy who cooks medicine...where can we find him?"

Hearing Gu Qiqi's painstaking planning for him, such painstaking efforts, Gong Jue's heart was filled with emotion.

However, the feeling of sadness in my heart is getting deeper and deeper.

He probably already knew who the boy who cooked the medicine was.

It never occurred to me that they had a conflict over a little girl many years ago.

Years later, they fell in love with a woman again!

If that person is allowed to testify in court for him, proving that he was that possible?


The other party should be wishing that he would be finished quickly, and then he would have the opportunity to get close to Qiqi and develop a relationship with Qiqi...

Similarly, asking him to bow his head to his love rival and beg for help from his love rival is also unbearable for his self-esteem.


Gu Qiqi is still planning carefully: "Jeez, should we advertise to find people? Find people with a lot of money! If a few million is not enough, I will sell all the company stocks in my hand, okay? I should be able to make up a few There are tens of millions. I don’t believe that the other party will regard money as dung. Even if it is not for the sake of justice, it should be for the reward of money to speak the truth. Are you right? ?”

Gongjue: "..."

Qiqi, you don't know, what that person lacks most is money.

Of course he couldn't answer Gu Qiqi like that.

Otherwise, maybe Gu Qiqi would have thought of who that person was in a second.

He could only say in a deep voice: "Qiqi, let's discuss this matter in the long term, shall we?"

Gu Qiqi was in high spirits.

He asked her to think long-term?

Gu Qiqi knocked on his forehead resolutely: "I can't wait to announce to the whole network that you are wronged!"

When she thinks that Gongjue is for the empire, not afraid of throwing his head and spilling blood, and has paid for so many years. In the end, one unjust case will ruin his reputation, be misunderstood, cast aside by so many people, and even be convicted and sentenced to death. She is very special. Feel sorry for him! not worth it!

She really wanted to make a statement overnight and slap the other party in the face!

Seeing Gu Qiqi's anxious look for him, Gong Jue felt even more distressed.

He knew that she had never been an impulsive woman, she had always been calm and cold.

However, after encountering his matter, she was no longer calm and cold, but was in a state of fighting all the time, as if she could immediately rush to tear apart the enemy if she was in front of her!

He knew that all these changes were all because of him!

With mixed feelings in his heart, he kissed her fair forehead lightly: "Qiqi, you don't want to know, what happened afterwards?"

"Later?" Gu Qiqi was taken aback.

"After I left Hanbeiling..."

Gu Qiqi nodded sharply: "Think about it!"

She has never understood Gong Jue so deeply like tonight.

She even felt that if Gong Jue really proposed to her on the independent island in Northern Europe, their marriage would be incomplete and imperfect.

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