Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1613 Want to love him well

Qianqian Novel Network

Because, at that time, although they loved each other, they really didn't understand each other deeply.

At that time, she was completely unaware of Gong Jue's terrible childhood experience, that he had suffered so much, and suffered such perverted torture.

It can be said that she hadn't fully entered his world at the beginning.

She always knew that he was a powerful man, the leader of Iron Blood.

However, she didn't know at all before, how tenacious and unswerving will, how firm and pure heart is needed to support him all the way to today!

Now, she knows.

This is her man, gritty, brave and great.

Soaked in the ugliest and most sinful silt, it has not been distorted or blackened at all, and it still grows proudly and uprightly.

She was really, really, really proud of him.

So Gong Jue took the initiative to chat with her, and she was naturally willing to talk about things after leaving Hanbeiling.

She longed to get to know him, to go a little deeper into his world.

Want to know his life, want to know how to love him better.

Gong Jue said in a deep voice: "After leaving Hanbeiling, I encountered a battle. It was a battle between the s** team and the imperial team. I don't know the old enmity between the two countries at all, but thinking that I once killed The empire's hundred-man army, out of guilt, I helped the imperial army and defeated country S."

It is said that in the military history of the empire, this battle was the most beautiful battle ever fought by the empire against country S.

Because the empire only has a squad of 50 people.

And facing country s is an army of thousands of people!

Originally, every member of the imperial army was faced with the siege of 20 enemies. After joining the palace, relying on his incomparable familiarity with the terrain and his natural talent for combat command, he unexpectedly led the 50 people abruptly and got rid of them. The encirclement and suppression are divided and divided, and in the end, a counter-siege unexpectedly came, dividing the opponent into a handful of small groups, and defeating them one by one!

In this battle, the reputation of Gong Jue rose!

It completely shocked the generals of the two countries!

But he himself left without saying goodbye.

Adjutant Lu, who participated in the battle back then, never forgot about him, always wanted to find him, and persuaded him to join the imperial army again.

Later, Gong Jue recruited some wandering mercenaries, separated soldiers, and homeless poor at the border for professional training and gradually established his own power.

Specifically for border merchants and countries, undertake some guard and escort tasks.

Because of his bravery and fierceness, he quickly became famous in the field of mercenaries.

All the peer groups who came to kick the field rolled away in disgrace.

No one can shake his position in Hanbeiling area.

Later, when Gong Qing and his wife heard about him, they traveled thousands of miles to come to Hanbeiling to meet him in person.

The son who had been lost for many years could not be found anywhere, but now he has become a hero!

Gu Qiqi blinked her big eyes: "Is the scene particularly exciting?!"

Gong Jue shook his head calmly: "No. I refused the first time."

Gu Qiqi choked: "..."

Isn't it hugging and crying, everyone is happy?

Gong Jue smiled wryly: "It's not that dramatic. You think, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years. They are like strangers to me, and I am the same to them. Even my appearance is not like that of Gong Sheng. , just like their parents."

Gu Qiqi felt sad for a while: "..."

It's not that Gong Jue doesn't look like his parents, but that Gong Jue grew up in a deep mountain, accompanied by a female wolf in a cage, and his growth experience is different from all children.

His figure, physique, and even his stern face should all have undergone slight changes due to his growth experience the day after tomorrow. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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