Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1618 Uncontrollable screaming, shame!

Qianqian Novel Network

This man, Gong Jue, can't be offended, can't be offended!

With half of the stubble, she can make her surrender with a white flag!

What else can she say?

The night is still very long.

At this moment, even if Gu Qiqi wanted to tell him that she was the one who spent the night with him on the operating table, she didn't have the energy to tell him...

Forget it, it's rare for a stupid man to feel guilty.

Just let his conscience suffer a little bit - to make up for her internal wounds caused by his bastard words in Independence Island.

This thought flashed across Gu Qiqi's mind.

Immediately, consciousness is out of control!



"! Ah——!"

Screams, louder than louder.

It is out of control!

I can't control it...!


On the same night, there are people who are deeply affectionate and go to the clouds and rain together.

There are also people who are lonely and sleepless due to the cold wind and rain.

Chu Junmo was lying alone on the lonely bed. Although the heater was lit in the room, his body was still icy cold.

Ever since the ghost island party was tricked several times by Gong Jue, and finally had a conflict with Wu Er, and was brought back by Gong Jue's people as if watching a joke, Chu Junmo was not in a good mood.

A solitary lamp was burning desertedly by the bedside, and under the lamp was the latest information handed over by his subordinates.

He has watched Gong Jue's dirty video.

He knew the news of Gu Qiqi's return to China.

He even knew the latest news about Gu Qiqi disguised as Bailang and going to prison just now.

Others might not be able to resist that it was Gu Qiqi.

But he was the one who could recognize Gu Qiqi's appearance as Young Master Ye, so how could he not recognize the mischievous Qiqi and pretend to be a man again?

Being able to risk the death penalty to save someone in prison shows how much Qiqi values ​​and cares about that man.

Chu Junmo stared at the information, feeling sour for a while.

"Qiqi, if it were me, would you do the same for me? Cough cough cough..."

He couldn't help a violent cough.

In my mind, the scene from more than ten years ago suddenly appeared.

He was only fourteen years old, he was weak, and he went to the deep mountains of Hanbeiling to collect medicine alone, and was accidentally bitten by a snake.

He originally had antidote herbs in his backpack, but he rolled down the cliff, and his body was weak, so picking the antidote again at this moment would only make the poison develop faster.

Helpless, he had no choice but to stay where he was, seal the acupoints, and delay the spread of snake venom.

But this is not the way after all...

In such a long torment, the little girl carved out of jade appeared.

She was so kind and innocent. She didn't know why she was crying, but when she saw him hurt, she immediately came over to help.

It was her who supported him to lie down on a comfortable flat ground.

It was her who offered to help him pick antidote herbs.

It was she who crushed the herb with her own hands and applied it gently on the wound for him.

It was even her, the snake venom that helped her out...!

The grace of saving lives will be repaid by springs.

He wanted to repay her, but she left halfway.

There was no chance to see each other again for more than ten years.

That little wild cat, I don't know how it is now?

Thinking of her again was because he watched Gong Jue's dirty video, when he saw Gong Jue massacring all the old and young in the small village at the foot of the mountain, he was caught off guard and recalled this memory!

It turned out that the man who, like a savage, broke into the small courtyard where he was staying and questioned the origin of the little wild cat, was Gong Jue! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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