Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1619 Something about her that seduces and seduces men!

Qianqian Novel Network

It turned out that more than ten years ago, Gong Jue was so consistent with his aesthetics and the woman he liked!

More than ten years ago, they met Little Wild Cat at the same time, and at the same time they never forgot that kind and innocent girl.

Ten years later, they met a girl named Gu Qiqi again, and fell in love with her at the same time!

This is fate?

Or evil fate? !

Chu Junmo coughed violently, his physical exhaustion far outweighed his mental torment.

He exhausted his mind and thought about a question: Should he come forward to testify for Gongjue and return Gongjue's innocence?

In this world, he is probably the only one who can prove Gongjue's innocence, that Gongjue didn't intentionally kill people back then, and those who killed were all vicious gangsters.

But, should he help Gong Jue?

To help that invincible rival?

How did Gong Jue treat him?

In order to prevent him from meeting Qiqi, he was actually stopped at the customs, and someone secretly put prohibited items in his luggage, causing him to be detained by the customs, so he couldn't meet Qiqi at the ghost island in time.

When he arrived at the ghost island, he used Wu Er's bastard again to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, let him and Wu Er fight, and the palace prince reaped the benefits.

Gong Jue hit him close to Qiqi, but he was relentless and spared no effort!

Do I have to hold on to my face to be a good old man and help that bastard get rid of his charges?

Then what?

Then watching him and Qiqi fall in love with each other, and he ended up in a lonely and desolate end?


If he only proceeded from the perspective of that bastard Gong Jue, he would definitely not testify.

It's a no-brainer.

He was only worried about Qiqi...

If Gong Jue was really sentenced to death, would Qi Qi feel overwhelmed with pain?

Can I have the ability to take good care of Qiqi for the rest of my life and give her a lifetime of happiness?

Chu Junmo took a deep breath, and his thoughts became more and more tangled and heavy...

Watching Gong Jue's death sentence with a cold eye, his happiness seems to be within reach!

However, if this is a mistake, will you regret it for the rest of your life?

Chu Junmo thought for a whole night, until the sky turned pale, and he finally made up his mind and made a difficult decision!


This night, some people were not only sleepless, but also wanted to bite people like a mad dog.

Gu Meifeng was sued by Mu Tianyu and brought to court, and received an arrest warrant on the same day.

There are as many as four charges involved. Even if she is a full-time housewife who does not understand the law, she knows how serious it is, and it may be a capital crime of beheading.

Before being imprisoned, she panickedly called the **** oss who had never met, threatening him like a mad dog: "It's all your good deeds, what kind of broken video did you provide me, now Gu Qiqi Over there, a barrister was hired to sue me for a bunch of crimes, if you don’t find me the most famous lawyer to exonerate me, I will confess you and say that you ordered me to do everything!”

Xiahou Susu took the phone from the housekeeper, turned on the voice changer, and said with a gloomy old man's voice, sneered, "Really? Could it be that you don't know that your daughter Gu Xuexue is already in my hands? If you If there is any dishonest behavior, believe it or not, I will immediately let her be ridden by thousands, people, and sleep by thousands of people?"

Gu Meifeng was startled.

His body was so weak that he could hardly stand up!

Has Xuexue fallen into the opponent's hands?

When did this happen?

Thinking about it now, it seems to be the case, Xuexue separated from her in the morning, and went to Imperial Medical University to see the bustle of that bitch Gu Qiqi being expelled from school, and never came back.

Could it be that he was really being manipulated by the other party?

A chill ran down Gu Meifeng's spine!

what to do?

She can only use her irreplaceable trick to deal with men in this life!

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