Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1620 The servant was shameless just now

Qianqian Novel Network

How did Gu Meifeng know that in order to humiliate Gu Qiqi, she sent Xuexue to watch the excitement, but in the end, Gu Xuexue didn't see the excitement, but was knocked out and taken away instead!

What's even more frightening is that she was captured by the boss who cooperated with her!

How terrifying the boss's methods are, you can get a glimpse of how ruthless and insidious he is in dealing with Gongjue.

Xuexue fell into the hands of this kind of old man, and she fully believed that if the old man got upset, he would eat up Xuexue and make it into thousands, people, riding, ten thousand, people, sleeping sluts.

The baby lump she carefully cultivated must not end up like this!

She is really an idiot, why did she get so angry just now, and fought with the **** oss?

Gu Meifeng's tone softened in an instant: "Well, boss, it was my family who was shameless just now, lost his head, and dared to question your decision after taking a bear's heart. My family knows what to do. Don't worry, my family is in prison Li must take all the blame on him..."

"This is your crime." Xiahou Susu said coldly, "Could it be that you want to blame me for bribing the vice-principal and getting your unworthy slut daughter into college?"

Gu Meifeng repeated:

"Yes, yes, yes! Uh, no, no, no! I dare not!"

"Boss, it's all my fault, so you don't have to worry, I will definitely go to jail honestly. It's just...

"Please don't embarrass my daughter, okay? I beg your lord to have a lot, let her live. She can't go to college now, and the Gu family will definitely not recognize her. She has no other way to go. You let her out Get married and live a safe life, okay..."

Gu Meifeng begged in a low voice.

That attitude, how pleasing, how pleasing.

Xiahou Susu dismissed her impatiently: "That depends on your performance! If you plead guilty quickly, I will not bother to detain your daughter and waste my food!"

Gu Meifeng was overjoyed, and tentatively said: "Then... can you please let me talk to my daughter on the phone?"

As she spoke, she was afraid that the other party would disagree, so she offered: "You can monitor the whole process, and I will never say anything I shouldn't say!"

Xia Hou Susu was not worried about this.

The mother and daughter had no background, and they were completely controlled by her. Let alone talking on the phone, even if they met, there would be no splash.

She said coldly: "Fart your fart!"

As he spoke, he signaled the housekeeper to get Gu Xuexue out.

Gu Xuexue was still wearing a hood when she came out, so she had no idea who had captured her.

She was trembling, and as soon as she answered the phone, she heard Gu Meifeng's voice, and cried miserably: "Mommy, save me! I was arrested——"

She really wanted to tell Mummy that she was locked up in a dark dungeon full of cockroaches and mice, smelly, even the food was rotten, and the urine could only stay where it was... It was terrible, she wanted to go out !

Gu Meifeng interrupted her softly: "Xuexue, listen to Mommy, this is a misunderstanding, you will be released soon, Mommy can't take care of you for the time being, you must listen carefully to Mommy's next explanation— —Take good care of yourself, go to Mu Liuchuan to get married, and don’t go to Wudi Alley to find your uncle! Your uncle can’t help you! Only getting married and becoming a young mistress is the right way, don’t think about revenge or anything! Understand! Yet?"

Gu Meifeng's explanation was very brief.

It is nothing more than an ordinary mother's hope that her child will let go of hatred, get a happy marriage, and have her husband's shelter.

It sounds like a loving mother.

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