Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1622 I am Miss 0 Jin, not for sale!

Qianqian Novel Network

On this day, two gossip happened in the imperial capital.

The first piece of gossip was that Gu Meifeng from the Gu family in the imperial capital was imprisoned for four crimes, and confessed her guilt in prison.

But this little gossip was quickly covered up by the big gossip.

The big gossip is naturally - Ferguson has escaped from prison!

And it was a man who robbed the prison! ! !

The whole emperor is guessing, which friend of the Sir Sir, who is so daring, actually risked the death penalty for a felony, and went to prison to rob someone!

I don't know who spread the gossip that the jailbreaker was the second young master of the Bai family.

For the first time, Bailang, who was famous for being romantic, received a loyal evaluation for the first time. At the same time, he was also unanimously thought by outsiders, "Is Bailang overthinking, failed in pursuing love, and then deliberately courted death when he was frustrated in love?"

Gu Xuexue in the dungeon didn't know about the big gossip, but the little gossip had a great influence on her.

Xiahou Susu also kept his promise, and immediately released Gu Xuexue upon receiving the news of Gu Meifeng's plea.

Standing on the streets of the imperial capital, Gu Xuexue almost wanted to cry!

She was disheveled and sloppy, she didn't even change her clothes, and immediately rushed to Wuti Alley.

After finding the secret private club, he knocked on the dark door.


The door opened a crack.

A middle-aged man wrapped in a brown robe looked at her through the crack of the door: "Who are you looking for?"

Gu Xuexue suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "My mother is Gu Meifeng, she asked me to come to seek help."

In fact, she didn't know what Gu Meifeng asked her to do here.

She speculated privately, maybe Gu Meifeng deposited a lot of jewelry, checks and money here?

Revenge, no money, how to recover?

When the other party heard about Gu Meifeng, she suddenly smiled with her lips curled up, revealing a mouthful of irregular yellow teeth: "Xiaofeng's daughter? Good, good, very good."

The man said three times in a row that it was good, and let Gu Xuexue in.

Gu Xuexue felt relieved. It seemed that the people here knew Mommy very well and could help her.

Please sit down and watch tea as usual.

"Gu Xuexue, right? My surname is Lai, so you can call me Uncle Lai."

"Hi Uncle Lai."

Soon the other party got straight to the point: "Have you thought about it, do it with us?"

Gu Xuexue was startled.

What have you thought about?

What does he mean by "doing"...?

Gu Xuexue suddenly became a little wary. Could it be that kind of skin and meat business?

Mommy wouldn't send her to this kind of place and let her use her body to make money, right?

Gu Xuexue covered her heart, her small eyes stared round: "I am a rich lady, I don't sell my body!"

Uncle Lai laughed loudly: "Where do you want to go? I'm asking you, have you decided to come to us for beauty treatment?"

Gu Xuexue came to her senses, her face was blood red, and she felt ashamed: "I..."

"Your mommy did it here too, and the's quite successful!" Uncle Lai wiped his lips with his finger and smiled meaningfully, "Didn't you realize that your mommy still has charm in middle age? , full of charm?"

Gu Xuexue was startled again.

She is strange too.

Mommy is getting older, and to be honest, her face is not so delicate, her skin is looser and more wrinkles.

However, whether it was Gu Qiushan, Gu Enlong before, or the vice principal later, they all seem to be particularly obsessed with Mommy.

She also secretly asked Mummy when she was chatting in the boudoir, and wanted to learn a few tricks secretly, and use them when seducing men such as Mu Liuchuan, Gong Jue, and Ye Gongzi.

But Mommy always smiled mysteriously, covering it up with Tai Chi.

Never tell her the truth!

To be honest, she was really curious!

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