Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1623 Dig one more hole?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Meifeng really has a unique set of tricks to seduce men!

Gu Xuexue was so curious right now, she thought to herself, if she could learn this trick herself, would she be afraid that she might not be able to deal with those big shots in the future?

As long as she can conquer the big man under her crotch, wouldn't she want the wind and the rain?

She couldn't wait to blurt out: "I do!"

Uncle Lai nodded in satisfaction, as if he had finally caught a suitable prey, and carefully looked up and down Gu Xuexue's whole body.

Suddenly said: "Take off your pants."

Gu Xuexue was taken aback: "Pants... pants?"

Uncle Lai raised his eyebrows: "Yes, you have to let me see your basic conditions, so that I can make you more beautiful!"

Gu Xuexue was even more stunned: "Beauty...isn't it a beauty face?"

Uncle Lai laughed: "Turn off the light, does the man look at your face?"

Gu Xuexue choked.

This... makes sense.

She murmured, a little ashamed to speak: "I'm not... a virgin anymore, you mean to repair me, that layer of film?"

Repairing that thing should be considered cosmetic, right?

Uncle Lai shook his head: "Film is nothing, all women have it. What we want to do here is something that other women don't have! Only this can become your real capital to travel the world and conquer countless men! Unique capital! Oh yes , the same capital as your mommy! How about it? Do you want to do it?"

Gu Xuexue's blood boiled when he heard it.

But, the more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Something other women don't have?

what would that be

Aren't there just two holes at the bottom, could it be possible to forcibly cut through for her and make an extra hole? ? ?

Just thinking about it, she was trembling all over, feeling like chills!

Seeing Gu Xuexue shrinking back, Uncle Lai became unhappy: "Have you thought about it? My time is very precious. If you don't do it, get out and don't waste my time!"

Gu Xuexue was timid, but unwilling: "Uncle Lai, can you show me first, you want to do for me, let me know."

She didn't have a b number in her heart, so she didn't dare to do it.

Uncle Lai snorted coldly: "I want to see your mother when I go home. I'm not a shopping mall here, and I let you pick and choose. My exclusive beauty technology is a commercial secret, of course you can't just show it to others. Do it or not! Served!"

After all, get up and leave.

Gu Xuexue is desperate now, so she can't provoke him, so she can only hold him and beg in a low voice: "Uncle Lai, I didn't bring any money with me today, why don't you let me go back to get the money..."

"No need. Your mommy has returned to me the tuition fee you paid in advance at Imperial Medical University, and you don't need to pay any more!"

"Ah..." Gu Xuexue was stunned again.

Mommy actually misappropriated her tuition fees here.

Didn't even say hello to her.

She still thought about going to get it back by herself, it could take a few days.

Gu Xuexue completely lost her mind.

But she really didn't dare to do that cosmetic surgery rashly.

Uncle Lai made her tired of watching: "Okay, okay, you can think about it for another day, if you don't do it before tonight, don't come in the future!"

Gu Xuexue hurriedly left as if she had received an amnesty.

Considering a day?

She wanders the streets.

Finally saw the news that Gong Jue had escaped from prison.

I was overjoyed: Gong Jue escaped from prison, that is, the death penalty has not escaped, so Gu Qiqi will never want to rely on Gong Jue to take the position in this life.

At most, Gu Qiqi would go to seduce Brother Ruchuan, as long as he held Brother Ruchuan firmly in his palm, he could trample Gu Qiqi under his feet.

She silently planned in her heart that if the Gu family could accept her and continue to be the eldest lady of the Gu family, she would not have to undergo cosmetic surgery for the time being.

Or, go back and try your luck?

The dead old man and old lady of the Gu family should also hate Gu Qiqi to death, avoiding them like snakes and scorpions, right?

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