Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1679: Cheating Tuanzi

Qianqian Novel Network

As Gu Qiqi stood up in surprise, Xiao Tuanzi also saw Chu Junmo walking towards the door, opening the curtain and looking elegant and handsome.

Although the man is thin and has a tired look on his face, he still stands as straight as a green pine, his steps are firm and powerful, and his movements are calm and elegant.

Especially those long and narrow eyes, which were unusually transparent and sharp. Wherever they looked, men avoided them one after another, while women showed a hint of shyness.

Xiaotuanzi looked familiar to him, and when Gu Qiqi said, "Brother Chu, you are fine, you are here", he suddenly remembered.

Isn't this Uncle Chu, the CEO who is called "Chu Daiyu", "Chu Single", "Chu Single", "Chu Scoundrel"... by his dad all day long?

This big CEO doesn't seem to be getting along well with his daddy!

Do you want to report to Dad that the big CEO also came to visit Grandpa's house?

Xiaotuanzi was just about to send a text message, but then he thought about the way daddy treated him at the breakfast table this morning, which was very unfriendly.

When I saw him and his little sister going out, my eyes were very jealous.

The tone is very arrogant!

Hum, in that case, I won’t tell him this important information!

If Gong Jue knew about Xiao Tuanzi's psychological activities at this moment, he would definitely regret it and never show off to his own son again. Otherwise, he would cheat his father at the critical moment!

As soon as Chu Junmo entered the door, his cold face only stared in one direction, and that was Gu Qiqi's direction!

If Gu Qiqi hadn't been sitting next to Mr. Gu, everyone would have thought his behavior was weird!

Fortunately, he didn't lose his composure when saying hello.

First, he respectfully saluted Mr. Gu: "Teacher, the student is late. Sorry!"

Then he smiled at Gu Qiqi: "Qiqi, are you okay?"

Mr. Gu was extremely happy when he saw his favorite granddaughter and most proud disciple coming to celebrate the New Year together. He stood up in person to greet the servants for more wine and food, and then pulled Chu Junmo to sit down next to him.

Some guests who knew how to look at colors immediately took out their mobile phones to take photos and take photos with them.

Mr. Gu happened to be Gu Qiqi and Chu Junmo on the left and right, plus a little dumpling.

It looks like there are three generations living under one roof - grandfather, father, mother and grandson.

Mrs. Gu, who was squeezed out of the screen, felt unhappy!

Does she still have status in this family?

Unexpectedly, he didn't even get a seat next to the old man.

Perhaps in order to find a sense of presence, she said: "Stop filming, stop filming, let's eat the food quickly, Jun Mo, the food is almost cold, come, my wife will pick you up some food..."

She looked like a warm-hearted and good teacher, and she was busy.

Who knows.

No one bought her account at all.

Mr. Gu smiled and said to the person who took the photo: "Send the photo you just took to my mobile phone. I want to make it look like the one that appears on the screen of the mobile phone...what is it called?"

"Mobile screen saver. Grandpa, let me help you." Xiaotuanzi volunteered.

The old man and the young man were having fun playing with the group photos on their mobile phones.

Chu Junmo had no time to talk to Mrs. Gu.

Across the old man, his eyes never left Gu Qiqi: "Qiqi, how have you been during this time? I'm sorry, I have been lingering on the sickbed since I returned to China. I only found out about those things on the Internet later, so I couldn't help you. Very busy..."

"I'm fine, Brother Chu. Those people are just slandering people out of thin air and will not lead to anything." Gu Qiqi was a little worried about Chu Junmo's health, "Brother Chu, did you encounter another enemy attack on your way back home? How could I see it? Your energy and blood are a little unstable, like you've lost too much blood?" A real lady is available online to help you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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