Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,680 The weight of the battle with Gong Jue

Qianqian Novel Network

Chu Junmo smiled bitterly.

Where did he encounter an enemy attack?

It was clearly Gong Jue, that bastard, who deliberately misled Wu Er, provoked the two of them to fight endlessly, and then reaped the benefits!

In that battle, both he and Wu Er suffered losses.

One month after returning to China, he basically lay on the hospital bed to recuperate.

But how could he complain to Gu Qiqi about this?

If a man relies on complaining to gain sympathy from women, that would be unmanly.

Men want results! Goal-oriented!

He knew very well that what he wanted was Qiqi.

No one can stop him from reaching this goal, not Wu Er, not even Gong Jue.

He has sent his direct secret guards to search for the witch doctor's flame blood all over the world, buying the blood at all costs...

If he can buy enough flame blood, he will have another important weight in his fight with Gong Jue!

Counting the eyewitness evidence in his hands that Gong Jue committed murder in the nameless village of Hanbeiling when he was a boy, he should have at least two decisive weights to crush Gong Jue!

And what does the palace master have?

Today's Gongjue has nothing...

Just thinking about it.

Gu Qiqi suddenly handed over the phone quietly.

Instructing him to watch silently and not make any noise.

I saw a note file opened on my phone, and there was a line in it that read: "Brother Chu, I want to ask you something about Gong Jue. If it's convenient, we can go to the garden later to talk. It's quieter there. Is that okay? ?”

When Chu Junmo saw her asking him alone, of course he happily agreed.

But when he thought that the purpose of asking him was for the palace prince... he couldn't be happy anymore.

He just said it wrong.

Today's palace lord has no power, no reputation, no freedom, nothing, but he only has Qiqi's care and concern!

This care and concern is so precious!

It’s what he, Chu Junmo, especially wants!

Chu Junmo nodded bitterly: "Okay."

Next to her, Madam Gu, who was secretly watching the exchange between Gu Qiqi and Chu Junmo, saw that the two of them had their heads together, and like the old man and Xiaotuanzi, they were fiddling with something on their mobile phones. They looked so tacitly understanding, She looked very unhappy.

Gu Qiqi and that little kid stole everyone's attention as soon as they entered the house and became the centerpiece of the banquet. She, the hostess, seemed like a foil.

She is unwilling to accept it, she is really unwilling to accept it!

She planned to endure it until the old man died, then she would be able to dominate and trample Gu Qiqi under her feet.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Qiqi came today, all her hopes were dashed.

Gu Qiqi actually brought a medicine to the dead old man.

At first she didn't know the power of this medicine.

Just think of it as a supplement similar to ginseng and deer antler for longevity.

Unexpectedly, I heard the guests next to me talking enviously at this moment, saying that this is a rare and top-quality tonic. The key is that it is particularly symptomatic. It is just suitable for people like Mr. Gu who are not seriously ill but are weak. For other patients, it would not be the same. May not be effective.

Legend has it that this medicine can prolong life by at least ten years.

And how many plants did Gu Qiqi give to the old man?

The old lady no longer wanted to count - she was heartbroken.

If the old man lives ten more years, she will suffer for ten more years and will never be the head of this family.

And all this is due to Gu Qiqi, a cheap girl. Why did she give this precious life-extending medicine to a dead old man? !

The old lady groaned angrily, deliberately trying to make Gu Qiqi unhappy: "Qiqi, do you know how miserable your sister Xuexue is now?" A real lady is available online to help you find a book companion. If you want to chat, please WeChat/message/search/search for popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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