Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,708 Sir Alex wants to change the outcome of Scissorhands

Qianqian Novel Network

He is different from Scissorhands!

Gong Jue's eyes deepened.

He still has a chance.

He still has a chance to fight for being with Qiqi and give Qiqi happiness!

That was the agreement he made with Bai Lang. He must do a full body examination, study with Bai Lang the real reason for his wolf transformation, and then find a way to solve it!

If you can find the reason...

Maybe he and Qiqi still have a chance!

Maybe he doesn't have to be like Scissorhands, cruelly pushing away the woman he loves most in his life, and then huddled in the castle alone for the rest of his life.

He is not a completely unchangeable robot, he is flesh and blood, and has the opportunity to change the tragic ending of Scissorhands!

Gong Jue's heart was surging, but in the end he didn't say another word, but silently kissed Gu Qiqi's forehead.

He wiped her tears again.

The movie ends.

He didn't watch a movie the whole time, only playing games, eating popcorn and the dumplings that the whole family made. Then he raised his head and looked at the two of them cutely with his big eyes: Hey, that's not right.

Why are the young lady’s eyes red and the rims of Babi’s eyes are a little red too?

Could it be that the love movie just now was too touching and the effect was too good?

Well, it must be!

Just tell me, if you want to fall in love, you must watch movies. This is what the books say.

Look, Dabi is so close to the little sister now, and holding hands so tightly is all the credit of the movie... In the final analysis, it is also the credit of this baby!

Xiaotuanzi proudly took Gu Qiqi's other hand, willing to be their little tail and follow behind.

Although her eyes were swollen from crying while watching the movie, Gu Qiqi was actually quite happy.

"This is the first time in my life that I watch a movie with a boy." She said lightly as she walked on the snow-covered road, her little leather boots crunching on the ground.

"What a coincidence, little sister, this is my first time watching a movie with a girl!" Xiaotuanzi immediately picked up the conversation.

Gong Jue's eyes flashed and he continued in a muffled voice: "Master... too."

The three of them stopped and looked at each other with a smile.

Xiaotuanzi suddenly bent down, and a pair of chubby hands scooped, scooped, and rubbed in the snow. Within a few seconds, he actually made a round ball for him.

Then, he threw it forward with a smile!


It hit Gong Jue directly on the back of the head!

Immediately afterwards, a small snowball penetrated from the shirt collar on the back of Gong Jue's neck, running coldly across his back.

With a flash of excitement, Gong Jue suddenly turned around: "You bastard!"

After that, he leaned over, scooped it up with his big palm, twisted it into a snow ball in a second, and threw it on the little dumpling.

"Miss, help! Help!" Xiao Tuanzi screamed exaggeratedly, giggling, and hid behind Gu Qiqi, "Wow, he hit my baby's butt!"

Of course, Gong Jue was not so lighthearted and really hit Xiaotuanzi hard. He was just teasing him with snowballs.

Of course Gu Qiqi also knew.

But it was rare for the three of them to come out to play, and she suddenly became more playful. She bent down to make snowballs and shouted: "Tuanzi, I will avenge you, just watch!"

Gu Qiqi made quick gestures and hit Gong Jue on the forehead!

Pieces of snowflakes burst out, dyeing Gong Jue's forehead hair white, making the man's cold face even more beautiful.

For a moment, Gu Qiqi was stunned!

Xiaotuanzi jumped up and down with joy: "Wow, the little sister is so powerful and domineering! Daddy will be beaten by the idiot! Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

He had never been so happy or so public.

At this moment, he was no longer the precocious and calm little leader, he turned back into a childish and noisy five-year-old child.

Seeing Xiao Tuanzi happy, Gu Qiqi was naturally happy too.

"Look at me, mass smash! There are even more awesome tricks, sister hasn't used them yet..." Gu Qiqi buried her head and quickly grabbed two more balls of snow.

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