Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,709 Hmm...let me go!

Qianqian Novel Network

Before Gu Qiqi could take action.

The big bun in her heart was suddenly attacked by Gong Jue, who smashed it into a ball of snow!

Immediately afterwards, there was a small ball of snowball as big as a peanut, which Gong Jue took the opportunity to throw into the collar of her shirt.

Immediately, it slid down her buns...


That icy cool touch is absolutely sour!

In particular, Gong Jue was so shameless that he came over and whispered in a low voice: "Does it look like I'm pinching your buns with my fingers?"

He looked at Gu Qiqi's expression coquettishly and asked, "Do you think you're happy or not?"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

The only person in the world who can make a snowball fight look so evil is Gong Jue, a shameless man!

The next second, she used her strength with hatred and stuffed the two balls of snow directly into Gong Jue's collar...

"Hiss! It feels so good!" Gong Jue smiled instead of being angry, and raised his long fingers at her seductively, "Come on, use more force, I like it!"

"Work harder!" Gu Qiqi was almost speechless. She took the snow in the hood filled with Tuanzi's hat and poured it down from the top of Gong Jue's head...!

Gong Jue, in the midst of lightning flashes, stretched out his slender arms and took Gu Qiqi into his arms!

He put his head against his head, clasped his hands in his hands, clasped the back of her head, and pushed her lips closer——

Kissed him hard!

"Ugh... let go... of me!"

Gu Qiqi's protest was quickly swallowed up. Gong Jue's dominance and strength were simply unmatched.

The snow that Gu Qiqi had just raised fell on the heads of the two of them.

The two seemed to be kissing passionately in the heavy snow, which was romantic and touching.

Xiaotuanzi's eyes became hot and his face turned red. He quickly covered his eyes with his chubby hands: "Oh, you are so embarrassed! Doing something inappropriate for children in front of this baby..."

In the midst of his busy schedule, Gong Jue pulled him behind him: "It's not that it's inappropriate for children, but it's that love will naturally grow deeper when you grow up. You'll understand when you grow up!"

Xiaotuanzi: "..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Damn it, Gong Jue, does this count as early childhood sex education?

The two kissed for a while and separated, then started a snowball fight. While they were fighting, Gong Jue couldn't help but hug her and kiss her...

Xiaotuanzi regretted a little. Why did he eat dog food here? It’s the kind of dog food that’s super sweet and filling!


Since watching the movie Scissorhands that day, the relationship between Gong Jue, Gu Qiqi, and Tuanzi has heated up again.

Every day, the three of them were thinking about what to eat and play, and then Gu Qiqi started to use her magical makeup skills to help Gong Jue change her clothes and go out.

Don't be too happy in such a leisurely little life.

New Year's Eve.

Early in the morning, Gu Qiqi took Gong Jue and Xiao Tuanzi to the supermarket: "We have a lot of shopping tasks today. Well, we have to buy the shepherd's purse that Babi likes to eat to make dumplings, and we also need to buy a few days' worth of fresh vegetables. New clothes for the New Year, red underwear, red socks..."

Xiaotuanzi nodded seriously: "Okay."

The young lady is so beautiful and everything she says is right.

"Wait, why do you still need to buy red underwear?" Gong Jue frowned.

Gu Qiqi: "Because I, the demon, calculated with my fingers, you will be guilty of Tai Sui this year, so you must avoid evil spirits. Otherwise, if Tai Sui sits on the head, there will be misfortune if you are not happy!"

Gong Jue: "..."

Gu Qiqi greeted them to go out, and when they arrived at the supermarket, she directed Gong Jue to find various items according to the shopping list...

Although he was busy, Gong Jue felt particularly warm.

This is also the first time in his life that he has accompanied a woman to the supermarket.

Unexpectedly, my nose would feel sore from time to time, and I felt like a married man with his own happy family.

There is a woman, a child, and free time to go to the supermarket and cook together... Really, there will be no happier things in the world.

Just when Gong Jue was feeling it, suddenly, his cell phone vibrated.

He lowered his eyes and saw it was Bai Lang's call.

"Sir, all the instruments are ready. Are you coming?"

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