Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,716: The revenge of killing my sister is irreconcilable

Qianqian Novel Network

The reporter was stunned. It seemed that he had not expected that under such circumstances and with so many cameras, Gong Jue would dare to take action!

"Gong Jue, you traitor, if you dare to hit someone, you are not afraid -"

Halfway through his words, he met Gong Jue's cold eyes and suddenly froze.

That powerful aura and that terrifying look in his eyes made it impossible for him to speak or continue.

It turns out that the coercion of the former commander-in-chief of the three armed forces is really not a fabrication, not a legend, but terrifying!

The reporter took two steps back, trembling his lips and unable to speak.

Gong Jue snorted coldly and threw the camera to the ground, "Bang——!" The expensive camera was completely useless with its lens broken.

His stern eyes glanced around, as if silently saying, whoever dares to take pictures again, you will end up like the camera, missing arms and legs, useless!

The reporters around him were quiet for a few seconds, and they were all stunned.

Bailang took the opportunity and whispered: "Sir, please leave quickly! I'm sorry, today is really my fault. I didn't arrange it well. I don't know how the news leaked out, but so many flies came around... You go first, I'll stay and deal with it." them!"

Gong Jue snorted coldly: "You? Are you here to wait for your head to be broken?"

The corners of Bai Lang's lips twitched fiercely. Is he that weak?

However, thinking about the bleeding nose... cough cough cough, he seems really weak...

In the crowd, suddenly there was a man who didn't look like a reporter and didn't hold a camera, but only a walkie-talkie. He stepped forward and took the lead: "It turns out that this is how traitors bully the people! We are doing normal interviews, why should we be threatened by you! Palace? Jue, you must explain clearly how you managed to climb to the position of commander-in-chief of the empire's armed forces when you killed countless people? How many innocent poor people have you killed as a killing machine?!"

As soon as this person took the lead, a reporter immediately reacted and also echoed: "That's right, Gong Jue, you must give the world an explanation! You still escaped from prison? Don't you have a guilty conscience? Why did you escape from prison? You and Bai Lang colluded to escape from prison, didn't you Bai Lang? I also betrayed my country with you, do you two have an exchange of interests?!"

Gong Jue's eyes swept over them coldly, looking at these reporters as if they were mentally retarded.

He was silent, but suddenly thought of a question.


Bailang was also implicated.

He curled his palms and suddenly swung back, hitting Bailang's head with a slap!

Bai Lang, whose nose was bleeding and going crazy, was caught off guard by such a slap. He was immediately dizzy and fell to the ground!

what's going on?

Sir Alex, why are you beating your teammates? ? ?

I am your loyal little Langlang!

Today's accident was really not intentional on my part. This miracle doctor is also very guilty and angry, okay oh oh oh...

I heard that after Gong Jue finished the beating, he cherished his words like gold and said coldly: "Bai Lang and I have a grudge against killing my sister, so we are not the same."


Everyone screamed.

Immediately, the reporters reacted and hurriedly explained to the audience: "A few months ago, the palace prince personally ordered the execution of Bai Moli, the daughter of the Bai family! Although Bai Moli has been expelled from the family by the Bai family, she was still a member of the Bai family during her lifetime. She is a very favored daughter, and is also Bai Lang's biological sister! From this point of view, it is true that Bai Lang and Gong Jue have a grudge against their sister! That means that Bai Lang is not Gong Jue's group, and Gong Jue is here to see Bai Lang today. Seeking revenge!”

The cause and effect relationship was finally clarified. The reporters no longer embarrassed Bai Lang. Instead, they made way for Bai Lang who had fainted and lifted him out.

On the contrary, Bailang didn't want to leave, and even wailed and struggled and screamed at Gong Jue's back - a real-life young lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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