Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,717 Born between man and beast?

Qianqian Novel Network

"Little Juejue, you are lying... Who has a grudge against you for killing your sister? You, you, you... are so heartless... How can you cheat me with the same virtue as your little goblin...!"

Bailang was so noisy that he didn't even say a word. Soon, the person carrying him knocked him down with a stick. This time he was completely knocked out.

Gong Jue did not look back.

But he was relieved. This time, Bailang's life and reputation were saved.

If Bai Lang didn't get beaten up and leave quickly, it would be difficult to clear his reputation as a traitor today and the suspicion of prison robbery that day.

So this slap must come from him personally.

After Bailang left, the problems among the crowd became more acute.

"Gong Jue, do you know that escaping from prison is punishable by death?"

"Gong Jue, why don't you explain to everyone that you killed 180 people?"

"Gong Jue, are you the son of a man and a beast? Otherwise, why are you no different from a beast when you kill people, so cruel and cold-blooded!"

"Gong Jue, when you are dating your woman Gu Qiqi, are you also acting like a human and an animal? If you have a child, will you behave like an animal like you?"

Gong Jue's eyes turned cold!

It's okay to say it to him, to his parents, to his woman and children, absolutely not!

He suddenly raised his head, grabbed the reporter who asked the most arrogant question, saying that Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi were dating, they were humans and beasts, and said coldly: "You say that again?!"

The reporter was shivering, but someone next to him gave him a fierce look, and the red envelope hidden in his arms showed a corner, which seemed to be hinting at something.

The reporter immediately became emboldened: "What's the big deal if I say it again? I, I want the whole world to report that you, Gong Jue, and Gu Qiqi are a cross between man and beast..."

The sound suddenly stopped.

Gong Jue actually threw that mean-mouthed guy out of the crowd! !

You know, it was a circle surrounded by more than 200 people, at least dozens of meters in diameter!

Gong Jue’s strong arm strength can be seen with the naked eye!

Under this deterrence, the crowd gradually gave way.

Even the most shameless and money-grubbing paparazzi reporter knows that this man is really untouchable. Don't be encouraged by the people behind the scenes to rush forward for a mere red envelope.

Seeing Gong Jue stepping out of the encirclement step by step.


The next second!

Some people suddenly rushed out from the group of reporters, holding heavy cameras and desperately trying to stop Gong Jue: "Don't even think about leaving today! Don't even think about leaving until you explain your sins clearly! Unless... you kill us all." Light!"

As they spoke, these people rushed towards Gong Jue.

Gong Jue frowned and was about to pick it up and throw these people aside.

The worst he could do was leave them unable to get up for days or nights. Anyway, he had good control over his strength and couldn't kill anyone. He just taught them a lesson.

However, as those people approached, he noticed something was wrong.

He smelled a hint of cold weapons!

Those reporters brought cold weapons!

Knives, arrows, poisonous stings...!

Get behind the camera and poke him as hard as you can!

Gong Jue was completely irritated. He stretched out his hand to grab the arm of one of them, and immediately snatched the stinger from the other person's hand. He asked coldly: "Who sent you? Do you want to set a trap for me? How can you be so vicious?"

The man looked fearful but did not give in. He looked like a professionally trained death warrior. He gritted his teeth and did not answer Gong Jue's question. Instead, he suddenly shouted at the top of his voice: "Gong Jue is going to kill someone! He is going to kill someone again!" We reporters slaughtered them all! He is a beast! His beast instincts kicked in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint fragrance invaded his heart and spleen.

Gong Jue suddenly smelled a familiar smell. This smell was what Gu Qiqi would smell every time she came home for the past few days!

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