Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,720 Taking possession of his beloved woman

Qianqian Novel Network

Chu Junmo held the mobile phone, and in an instant, when he saw this, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his palms.

He never expected that Gong Jue, who had successfully escaped from prison, would be exposed in front of the camera.

What is even more unexpected is that the process of Gong Jue being besieged will be full of twists and turns!

At this moment, as Gong Jue rushed out of the encirclement, he was about to escape, but he happened to catch up with the prison guards who came to encircle him.

Even Chu Junmo, who had always been at odds with Gong Jue, couldn't help but sweat for him.

In fact, when he saw such a domineering and powerful Gong Jue, he even felt a moment of hero sympathy. He couldn't bear to see Gong Jue in trouble, and a little bit hoped that Gong Jue could escape.

After all, he was probably the only one in the world who knew best that Gong Jue, a traitor, had been framed.

He and the people in the world have different views. People in the world hate Gong Jue because they think Gong Jue is traitorous to the country, but he hates Gong Jue just because Gong Jue has occupied his beloved woman.

Chu Junmo pondered, unable to look away from the screen.

I even almost forgot that there were guests coming to visit.

On the screen, Gong Jue was confronting the prison guards.

In just a moment, Gong Jue continued to charge forward without hesitation!

Chu Junmo's heart was beating wildly, and he, who already had a bad heart, could hardly handle such an exciting scene - "Damn, Gong Jue, you're a lunatic, those people are holding guns, do you think you are made of iron? "

Gong Jue really looks like he is made of iron plate.

He took two quick steps, suddenly jumped up, and unexpectedly stepped on the head of the fat commander!

The fat man's head turned purple after he stepped on him, and he wailed and shook desperately, trying to get Gong Jue down, but failed repeatedly. The prison guards around him pointed their guns at him, but no one dared to do it!

After all, if you are not careful, the gun will hit the commander's head!

Gong Jue did not stop, he exerted force on his feet and continued to leap forward in the air.

Just stepping on a person's head, step by step out of the encirclement!

Arrogant, really arrogant!

Able, really capable!

The commander whose head was stepped on alternately turned red and livid, and commanded his subordinates with a sharp voice: "Catch this inhumane guy! Catch him at all costs! Shoot! Shoot quickly! You haven't seen him at all." Isn’t he human? His claws, his fur… he’s a beast!”


Hearing this, everyone was excited!

Gong Jue frowned and retracted his hands unnaturally.

He obviously concealed it very well. He only stepped on it with his feet and didn't strike with his hands at all. How did the other party know that his hands had changed?


This is a trap that has been laid out long ago.

The other party even knew when he would turn into a wolf.

And he had no idea who the person who knew his whereabouts and physical condition was!

Gong Jue searched the crowd and found no clues. Only the figure of a woman in black not far away flashed and disappeared in an instant.

In the direction of the woman, a strong and pungent medicinal smell floated over...!

Gong Jue's pupils suddenly shrank.

Get ready to cover your nose and hold your breath!

But it was too late.

A large amount of medicinal powder floated over with the cold wind. Gong Jue felt that his whole body became heavier for a moment, and the changes in his hands became more obvious.

Nails are longer! The hair on my hands is thicker!

The wolf claws really look like a wolf claw.

It was too late, he roared!

The next second, he jumped three feet into the air, stepped on the last prison guard, and jumped into the dark night! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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