Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,721 Chu Junmo wants to help him clear his name of treason

Chapter 1723 Chu Junmo wants to help him clear his name of treason

Following Gong Jue's steps, gunshots rang out intensively behind him!

It's like it's free of charge, like throwing jelly beans, and it keeps ringing!

In the lens, there is blood!

However, the reporters seemed to be more concerned about the commander's shocking conclusion just now: "His claws are very hairy! He is a beast!"

Countless lenses and flashlights were aimed at Gong Jue, lighting up the dark night!

Although it was a little blurry, he could still vaguely see clearly that Gong Jue's hands had all turned into wolves!

Someone rushed over to stop him. He waved his hand, and there were deep marks of a wolf claw attack on the other person's arm!

The reporters are excited!

Everyone in front of the camera was excited!

Gong Jue is a beast. This is more sensational than Gong Jue's escape from prison or his arrest again.

The reporters kept filming and quickly connected to the live broadcast!

Chu Junmo was already stunned at this end of the screen.

Gong Jue is actually...a werewolf?

If this is the case, then Gong Jue is destined not to be with Qiqi, because as far as he knows, the Snow Wolf tribe cannot intermarry with humans, cannot mate normally, and cannot give birth to normal children. Together, I'm afraid a deformed child will be born.

At this moment, Chu Junmo should not only feel sad for Gong Jue, but also feel lucky for himself.

Gong Jue is destined not to marry Qiqi, so Chu Junmo can justifiably pursue Qiqi.

Gong Jue is no longer his love rival.

In other words, Gong Jue is no longer qualified to be his love rival.

In this case, why don't he, Chu Junmo, be more generous and give Gong Jue a favor?

The fact that Gong Jue is a beast and werewolf cannot be rectified if there is live broadcast to prove it.

But I can help him clear his name as a traitor!

Even if he uses this favor to push Gong Jue away from Qiqi, Gong Jue is a smart man and should know what to do!

In the flash of lightning, Chu Junmo made up his mind to speak for Gong Jue.

He cut off the screen and no longer looked at the man Gong Jue in the dark night, who was like a lonely and injured wolf being hunted and suppressed by humans.

He dialed the phone number to the presidential palace...


The phone rang twice, and Gong Sheng's secretary-general answered politely: "This is the General Office of the Presidential Palace. What can I do for you?"

However, the call on Chu Junmo's side was suddenly hung up.

Chu Junmo stood up from the table and placed his cell phone upside down on the table. There were already people in brown robes surrounding him.

He had never seen these brown-robed men before, but the brown robes looked very familiar.

It's... the witch doctor clan I met on the ghost island, the unique costumes of the clan!

Chu Junmo frowned: "Who allowed you to break into a private house?"

Those people were like wooden figures, motionless and tightly surrounding him.

Behind them, a man in white robes clapped his hands and stepped out: "President Chu, are you okay? Are you a noble man who forgets things and forgets that you personally asked us to meet today?"

Chu Junmo's pupils suddenly shrank!

"It's you?!"

Two simple words, but full of two layers of meaning.

It's you, Wu Er!

Is it you who came to contact our people and said that you are willing to provide me with flame blood?

How could Wu Er willingly give him flame blood?

This guy wants to drink his blood, gnaw on his bones, and then use him as a thorn in his side to take the opportunity to get closer to Qiqi, right? !

Huh, don't even think about it!

Ever since the two battles on the ghost island, I, Chu Junmo, and you, Wu Er, have been mortal enemies!

At this moment, admiring Chu Junmo's eyes, Wu Shi was very happy.

This is the effect you want!

Seeing Chu Junmo shocked, doubtful, ashamed and angry with his own eyes, he felt so satisfied that the trip was worthwhile.

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