Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,733 Love is fulfillment, not possession

Qianqian Novel Network


That's right, he regretted it! As a commander who has always overcome obstacles and made no regrets, he has never fought a battle with regret since he led the army.

However, this time he regretted it.

Whenever he thought about the scene of Gu Qiqi and Beigong Mingtian getting married, he would go crazy with discomfort.

Even though he warned himself thousands of times in his heart, this is the best solution at present. Let the Beigong royal family protect Qiqi, which can not only clear Qiqi's reputation, but also completely put aside the relationship between Qiqi and himself in front of the world. In this way, Qiqi can live a normal life from now on, without having to wander around with a werewolf like herself.

Her pursuit of the pinnacle of medicine will not be cut off by others.


This is a decision made after very rational thinking.

But why, he still couldn't help but feel deep regret.

He once promised her, believed in her unconditionally, and would personally protect her by her side, but he once again pushed her to Beigong Mingtian - even though it was because he loved her and protected her!

What a complete asshole he is!

Lord Gong, you are a coward!

Don’t you believe you can protect your woman?

Gong Jue's nails were deeply embedded in the training mat underneath him.

There seemed to be a force surging inside, looking for an exit.

"Gong Jue, you can't go back on your word! Don't let your emotions control your reason! Think about Qiqi's talent, think about Qiqi's future, think about Qiqi still being so young..."

"Even the most advanced testing instruments that Bailang brought us can't find out the cause of the wolf transformation. How long will it take to turn back into a normal human being? Or will it always be like this, maintaining the form of a werewolf?"

"You can't ruin the rest of her life, and you can't let her endure an uncertain future with you!"

"Gong Jue, don't you know clearly that love is fulfillment, not possession?"

Love is perfection.

Not possession.

If you love her, you can't help but give her the best.

Gong Jue's eyes were blurred.

The hand that had been hidden behind her back and was too shy to show in front of others slowly stretched out and raised it in front of her.

Now it's just the fingers that have turned into wolves.

What next?

Will it spread to the entire torso or even the face in the future?

Will he turn into a wild wolf with a green face and fangs? ? ?

If she appeared in front of Qiqi like that, would Qiqi cry?

Even if she doesn't dislike him, she will still be very heartbroken, right?

And he didn't want her to bear such heartache.

He knew that she was a woman with deep feelings, and he also knew that she was different from the rest of the world and would not dislike him because he was a werewolf.

However, the more she felt sorry for him and understood him, the more pain she endured.

He couldn't even bear her hand being burned, so how could he tolerate her heart being in great pain because of him?

The Adam's apple rolled up, and Gong Jue closed his eyes heavily.

It would be better to...

Hate him and then forget about him!

As soon as this idea came up, the suppressed pain in his heart could no longer be controlled. Gong Jue roared loudly, and his whole body bounced on the ground in pain!

No! ! !

He couldn't bear to let her forget about him!

No amount of reason could stop him from regretting it.

Whether he was selfish or his love was not great enough, just thinking that she hated him and regarded him as a stranger from now on would make his heart break into pieces!

How much he wanted to hold her tightly in his arms, hold her tightly no matter what he faced, and hold her tightly with all his strength!

In a moment!

Another thought suddenly crossed my mind.

"What will happen if the wolf claw suddenly disappears? Will Qiqi not have to marry another man?"

"What if I can prove right away that I'm not a wolf?"

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