Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,734 I’m going to steal the marriage!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue suddenly raised his wolf-shaped finger, and his Adam's apple rolled dryly.

With the other hand, he grasped the poisonous thorn and stabbed his fingernail suddenly!

The sharp venomous thorn suddenly sank into the wolf's claws and lifted it hard.

The thick wolf claw nails were lifted up by the roots!

Lift one!

Set off two!

Lift up...ten of them!

Fingers connected to the heart.

The excruciating pain was a thousand times more severe than the pain of a gunshot.

Gong Jue's body froze in pain, his hands trembled, and for a moment, a strong snowy light flashed before his eyes.


The shocking roar shattered the window glass, and the entire abandoned base warehouse was shaking.

The uncontrollable power in the body suddenly poured out!

In an instant, the entire ceiling exploded with his wolf-like roar!


Nuoda's warehouse fell apart and fell apart!

According to historical records, on the wedding day of Crown Prince H, an abandoned military base appeared on the outskirts of the imperial capital, causing some damage to houses and property in the surrounding area. Fortunately, no one was injured or injured.

However, at this moment, at the center of the earthquake, at the feet of Gong Jue, there were ruins.

He stared blankly at everything around him. The entire warehouse that was destroyed by the sudden burst of inexplicable power in his body was turned into ruins and was trampled under his feet.

And he was unscathed!

Where does the power come from?


This eye-popping moment did not make Gong Jue pay too much attention.

He stretched out his finger and stared blankly at his bloody finger.

Because he forcibly pulled off the animal armor that emerged from his body, the hair on his fingers actually disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Although the process is brutal, the effect is obvious.

He temporarily dispelled the wolf claws. Although it was temporary and the method was extremely painful, he did it no matter what!

He wants to find a stupid woman in a human body!

Gong Jue's eyes were hot, and he became energetic and ran towards the center of the imperial capital——

The wedding ceremony is about to begin, and I'm going to steal the wedding!


Empire State Building.

Presidential Banquet Hall on the top floor.

The wedding ceremony of Crown Princess h will be held here soon!

Although it was less than a day from the announcement of the marriage to the ceremony, the royal family of Country H was very resolute and airlifted countless luxury goods directly from Country H.

Shengsheng transformed the originally grand and simple presidential banquet hall into a luxurious wedding scene with ten miles of red makeup.

Countless rare treasures can be seen everywhere. Antique jades unearthed thousands of years ago are placed by the window. The floor is covered with a hundred meters of gold silk carpet worth tens of millions per meter. In the flower corridor that welcomes guests, , every flower is more expensive than the same weight of gold, and even the crystal lamps on the ceiling have been replaced by pink diamonds. The entire wedding hall is filled with the light of the royal family's top nobility.

There are many antique furnishings that are only one of a kind in the world and cannot be bought even with money.

This wedding is not only luxurious, but also of top taste.

But, even so, when Bei Gong Mingtian personally inspected the wedding arrangements, he still frowned with dissatisfaction: "It's too sloppy, too unrefined, and too unworthy of her... Can you be more attentive?"

The senior nun in the palace who was in charge of organizing the wedding was on the verge of tears: "..."

Prince, how worried are you about our future Princess Qiqi?

Do you think you're not worthy of her? Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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