Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,735 The girl who hates marrying is not easy to mess with [Must read]

Chapter 1737: The girl who hates marrying is not easy to mess with.

Mammy couldn't help but wailed in her heart: Your Highness, you are so nervous about Princess Qiqi, do you think it is appropriate to hold out your heart and put it on the scene?

The next second!

Bei Gong Mingtian shook his head and sighed: "I only hate that my heart is not made of diamonds, otherwise I could dig it out and put it on the red carpet to light up the path under her feet..."

Grandma almost fainted! ! !

After all, they promised to rearrange the scene to be more perfect, and threatened him that the ceremony was about to begin, and the groom had to pray in the lounge to have good luck and grow old together. Only then did everyone finally get rid of Beigong Mingtian, who was extremely picky. The groom is coaxed away.

Was breathing a sigh of relief.

A small head poked out from the side of the corridor pillar...

A 16-year-old girl wearing a hotel uniform suddenly glanced around the hall with a pair of butterfly-wing eyes.


It is said that their witch doctor's forbidden land has countless treasures and extravagant luxury.

But it turns out that the financial resources of the Beigong royal family far exceed that of their witch doctor clan.

It's just a wedding, and the decorations in this hall are worth hundreds of millions.

Mr. Ye’s bride is so happy!

Uh, no, no, no, she always forgets to change her story. It should be said that she is the princess of the Beigong royal family. She is so happy.

Wu Jiujiu was filled with emotion and only hated that she was not the one marrying Mr. Ye.

I was trying to find someone to find out where the groom was now.

Suddenly I heard the nuns who were decorating the hall talking quietly:

"The prince is so kind to the princess! It's so enviable!"

"But I have never heard of the princess before. I always thought it was a marriage between the empire and our h country..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter whether they are married or not, in fact, I think our prince is too kind. I believe that no matter who marries him, he will be very, very good to his wife..."

"Yes, yes, even if it is a marriage designated by his parents, His Highness will be loyal to his wife and love his wife, because the Beigong royal family has been infatuated since ancient times..."

"Yeah, yeah! Just like our Prince Beigong Lie..."

"Yes, yes, and our King!"

"Oh no, I heard that the bride's wedding dress has arrived. I'll pick it up!"

"Wedding dress? Didn't you order it before and ask the princess to change into it?"

"Oh my, our Highness said that we want the best and most perfect, but here comes another hand-customized one that has just been made. We want the princess to take a look at it and choose..."

"Oh, single dog means receiving 10,000 points of critical hit!"

"Come on, if I don't hit you hard, you won't be hurt by anyone!"

After the nuns finished discussing, they immediately went to work separately.

But Wu Jiujiu's heart was already filled with excitement and he couldn't help himself.

Even the bride’s wedding dress must be personally selected to be the best and most perfect. Mr. Ye, what a gentleman you are and how good you are at doting on your wife!

Wu Jiujiu originally wanted to confess her love, but now step by step, she hates getting married!

Woohoo, I want to marry Young Master Ye!

Want to marry him!

Marry him!


Wu Jiujiu pouted her red lips and leaned against the pillar, recalling the words of her grandmothers. Perhaps Mr. Ye really had no choice but to get married as designated by the family?

Since that woman and Mr. Ye have no emotional basis at all, then who should he marry? Isn’t it good to marry yourself?

I am... good-looking, capable and still young... ahem, the disadvantage is that although I am not good at warming the bed yet, but, I can learn!

Wu Jiujiu puffed up his chest, gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.

She changed her mind!

She wants to replace him, the woman Mr. Ye doesn't like!

in other words--

"His Royal Highness wants to steal the marriage!!!"

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