Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,748: You want to see people alive, you want to see corpses when you die [must read]

Chapter 1750: Live to see people, die to see corpses

The people in the royal family didn't know why the bride was changed midway. The prince didn't come out to explain, so they were careful about their words and actions and no one dared to make random comments.

Upon hearing the news, Beigong Mingtian was hit hard and ran out.

Wu Jiujiu also reacted.

Gu Qiqi?

Just now Beigong Mingtian said that the real Mr. Ye is the original bride Gu Qiqi? !

At this moment, Wu Jiujiu finally remembered why she blushed inexplicably when Princess Qiqi spoke to her in the bride's dressing room.

And when Princess Qiqi "killed her by touching her head", why did her heart beat wildly!

It turns out that is the real Mr. Ye!

Her heart is drawn to Princess Qiqi, not this beast Beigong Mingtian!

Wu Jiujiu and Bei Gong Mingtian rushed to the front of the Empire State Building while making noises.

Gu Qiqi cried so hard that her voice became hoarse and refused to leave.

Chu Junmo has been kneeling next to her and accompanying her.

That scene was quite moving.

No one, whether it was Wu Jiujiu or Beigong Mingtian, dared to speak to disturb this moment of sorrow and tears.

The two stopped arguing and stayed aside silently.

The weather was cold in winter, Gu Qiqi was in tears, and Chu Junmo was anxious.

He tried his best to persuade Gu Qiqi to be powerful, saying that people can't be resurrected after death, and asked her to show mercy and obey.

Gu Qiqi only said: "If you want to see a person alive, you will see a corpse if you die."

However, Gong Jue's body was immediately taken away by the army.

It is said that he died miserably, with his whole body shattered and beyond recognition.

That is a high-rise building with nearly a hundred floors...

After a while, Xiao Ning came after hearing the news.

Bailang is coming.

The palace saint is here.

Qiu Qiu and Xiaolan are here... Even Feng Yangchu and Mr. Gu, who rarely go out, are here on crutches...

No one could persuade Qiqi to leave.


Bailang went to the palace to pick up Xiaotuanzi.

Dressed in white mourning clothes with a white cloth tied on her head, Xiaotuanzi, who was mourning the palace lord, walked tremblingly to Gu Qiqi with short legs.

"Puff——!" He knelt down with a sound.

With tears in his eyes, he spoke with a milky voice:

"Little sister, they said that Babi is dead and they don't want any more babies."

"The baby wants to know, are you going to abandon the baby too?"

"The baby doesn't know what he did wrong. If there is something wrong, can you tell me and let me correct it? If I behave, Dabi will come back to life?"

"Little sister, if the baby is good, you won't abandon the baby?"

Gu Qiqi's innocent childlike words hit her heart hard. She hugged Tuanzi and cried loudly: "No, sister will not abandon you, never!"

Xiaotuanzi hugged her back tightly, pressed her cheek against hers, and cried loudly: "Sister, you must keep your word! Don't be like that liar Dabi, who is not reliable at all and leaves just as soon as you say. No, you didn’t even tell me..."

"Yes!" Gu Qiqi nodded in agreement.

Xiaotuanzi sniffed and suddenly cooed twice: "Miss sister, the baby hasn't eaten all night. The baby is so hungry..."

Gu Qiqi suddenly woke up for a moment, looked up at her close relatives and friends gathered around, wiped her tears, and picked up the dumplings: "Are you hungry? Sister will cook for you. Come on, let's cook... …”

"Yeah! Let's eat. We won't give it to the stinky daddy. He won't have New Year's Eve dinner with us, and we won't take him to any future New Year's Eve dinner..."

"Okay..." Gu Qiqi's heart was in knots, and tears welled up again.

Gong Jue, we won’t take you to the next New Year’s Eve dinner.

Let you abandon us cruelly!

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