Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,749 Who is qualified to hold Qiqi?

Qianqian Novel Network

Sure enough, Xiaotuanzi took action and was able to defeat Qiqi!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Qiqi is willing to get up, eat and rest, given time, she will be able to calm down and forget the pain caused by Gong Jue's death.


The next second!

Gu Qiqi had not taken three steps while holding Xiaotuanzi in her arms.

Suddenly, he staggered and fainted to the ground!

But she instinctively held Xiaotuanzi tightly in her arms, and miraculously, she was safe and sound.

The people around were caught off guard and hurriedly scrambled, hugging Tuanzi and hugging Qiqi.

Neither Chu Junmo nor Bei Gong Mingtian had the chance to hug Qiqi. Bai Lang was the closest and wanted to reach out to hug her, but hesitated for a moment but did not make a move. Gong Sheng was far away and could not hug Qi Qi, but Qiu Zhuan was the loyal disciple. , without any distractions, without thinking about anything, he rushed forward, pushed Bailang away, and picked up Gu Qiqi from the waist.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! I'll take my master to see a doctor!" Qiu Zhu was about to take Qiqi away.

Chu Junmo, Bailang, and Beigong Mingtian took a step forward at the same time: "I am the doctor!"

Everyone: "..."

Qiu Chu was eager to protect his master and stared at the three grown men warily: "Don't you want to take advantage of my master? No! I'll take master to the hospital to see a professional doctor!"

Everyone: "..."

In the end, Wu Jiujiu stepped forward and said, "I am also a doctor. I am a woman."

Those two words added at the end obviously had an effect.

Finally, Qiu Zhuan agreed to let Wu Jiujiu treat Gu Qiqi.

Wu Jiujiu checked the pulse and was shocked. This was... the happy pulse!

She looked at Gu Qiqi's face, and her heart was complicated. She finally found her beloved Mr. Ye after all the hardships, and thought that she could live a fairy tale life with Mr. Ye. But... Mr. Ye was pregnant... …

This is really a very sad fairy tale.

There were too many men at the scene, so Wu Jiujiu did not announce the news of Gu Qiqi's pregnancy. Instead, he only said that she was too tired and too sad and needed to rest and replenish her energy and blood.

Everyone felt a little relieved.

After that, Gu Qiqi rested for almost a month before getting up from the bed.

During this period, many great things happened!

The funeral of Gong Jue has been held in a low-key manner.

The New Year holiday is over and the new semester has begun.

Wu Er searched hard for Mr. Ye in the empire, but never found him. Wu Jiu coaxed him back to his country.

In order to protect Gu Qiqi, Beigong Mingtian paid generous hush money to the servants who knew about the wedding day, so that they would never mention the change of bride.

Externally, he still married Gu Qiqi!

Gu Qiqi is still his princess in name only

As for Wu Jiu...

He wanted to drive him away, but Wu Jiujiu refused to leave.

What does it mean to say "You must be responsible for my first time" but actually run diligently to Gu Qiqi's bedroom every day?

Bei Gong Mingtian felt that his life was completely in chaos.

The beloved woman and her love rival cuckolded herself at the same time!

This taste is like no other!

But life still has to go on as usual.

Soon, something even more devastating happened.

Gu Qiqi's belly, which was three months pregnant, was finally hidden from everyone.

The royal family attached great importance to it and sent the best doctors and servants to protect Gu Qiqi's pregnancy and maintain her health.

In the end, when the baby was born, he was taken to the palace to deliver the baby under the best conditions!

However, there were still dangers during production!

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