Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,750 Where is Gong Jue?

Qianqian Novel Network

The fetus is still sitting up inside the mother's body and cannot be born at all!

And Gu Qiqi couldn't have a cesarean section because cesarean section required blood preparation. Her blood was different from everyone else's. In case of severe bleeding, no one could give her a blood transfusion!

What's more terrible is that her blood is poisonous and no one can perform this cesarean section on her.

Prince Beigong Lie, the only one in the Beigong royal family who is proficient in medical skills, is not here...

Just when the Beigong royal family was at a loss what to do, Chu Junmo arrived.

He brought the treasure of Chu Family Pharmacy, Angong Wan.

The only Angong Pill is priceless.

It can ensure safe delivery of pregnant women and save lives.

So, Gu Qiqi took Angong Wan in her mouth, and the little life in her belly miraculously slowly changed the fetal position. Finally, after a day and night of tossing, a pink and jade-carved little milk bag came to the world!

It's a daughter!

The daughter of the palace lord!

When naming my daughter, I encountered many difficulties.

Everyone is worrying about what to call the palace.

Gong Jiao? No, like "bus".

Palace screen? No, like "fair".

While everyone was racking their brains, Gu Qiqi said quietly: "Who said the surname is Gong? I am the princess of the Beigong family, so of course the child must be named Beigong."

Everyone, stay still.

Qiqi obviously loves and hates the Duke, and the little nanny is not allowed to have the surname Gong.

But the next second, when Gu Qiqi said her name was Beigong Niannian.

Everyone was stunned again.

Ahem, Qiqi, do you still dare to miss Gong Jue more obviously?

Think about it...

Think about it...

Who am I thinking of? No need to ask.

In order to thank Chu Junmo for helping her during the birth, Qiqi asked Beigong Niannian to recognize Chu Junmo as her godfather.

Later, when he returned to China, Bailang found out and was determined to find a godfather to play with, not to be outdone.

Of course Gu Qiqi refused.

However, the cunning Bailang bribed Bei Gong Niannian with a lot of small cookies in the shape of stars and moons, so that the little girl was willing to call him "Langlang Dabi"!

From then on, the little milk bag had three babies...

At this moment, Mr. Chu Junmo's face was slightly red. Hearing that the little nanny wanted to recognize him as his real daddy, he really wanted to agree!

He knew that Qiqi and Beigong Mingtian were not actually husband and wife, but that Wu Jiujiu, who bickered with Beigong Mingtian like happy enemies all day long, but they didn't know each other, which was a bit interesting.

Gong Jue has been dead for three years. If Qiqi could open her heart, would she accept him?

He had imagined the ending for him, Qiqi, and Gong Jue ten thousand times.

He thought he and Gong Jue would at least have another fierce fight.

Or, in order to clear up his grievances, Gong Jue had to use Qiqi in exchange for the opportunity to testify.

But they never expected that it would end with Gong Jue being eliminated.

Since God is helping him, why doesn't he catch it?

His Adam's apple rolled up and he said, "Okay, I promise Nian Nian to be your true..."

Before he finished speaking, a scolding sound came: "Beigong Niannian, you are mistaking me again! Don't bully your uncle Chu for being soft-hearted!"

This little milk bag is really worrying.

Unexpectedly, Beigong Niannian raised his head and stuck out his tongue: "Mommy, are you not satisfied with this daddy? Then let's go find Bailang daddy? I think he is quite suitable to be my daddy!"

Gu Qiqi almost lost her breath and started to smoke: "..."


How does he look like a guy who can be a father?

The corner of Chu Junmo's lips twitched slightly. Seeing Gu Qiqi's anger, she quickly protected her little breast bag behind her: "Qiqi, you just said that there is news about Gong Jue? Where is he?" Real lady online service , help you find books to chat with you, please use WeChat/message/search/search popular online articles or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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