Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,751: No room for other men

Qianqian Novel Network

Upon hearing the word "Gong Jue", a hint of hurt flashed across Gu Qiqi's eyes, and her long and curled eyelashes flickered, quickly covering it up.

Sure enough, she let Xiao Naibao go, but said to Chu Junmo: "There is news from the small town near Hanbeiling that there are werewolves recently. I want to go and have a look. Xiao Naibao, I would like to trouble you to do it for me. Take care of it.”

Chu Jun's dark lips moved: "Qiqi, I know you really want to find him..."

"I didn't think too much about it!" Gu Qiqi flatly denied it.

The corner of Chu Junmo's lips twitched, "Qiqi, you can't wait to throw down your little bag and go find him, and you still say you don't want to?"

"I just..." Gu Qiqi bit her lip, "I want him to come back and be beaten! He owes us mother and daughter. Even if he is beaten ten thousand times a day, he will not be relieved."

Chu Junmo felt heartbroken.

In the past three years, he has watched Qiqi grow up with her little baby every day.

How hard it is for a single mother to raise a child. If you don’t experience it in person, you will never be able to taste it.

Even if he, Beigong Mingtian and others tried their best to help her, there were some things that couldn't be replaced.

She stayed up late every night to breastfeed and lull the baby to sleep. The baby was also very clingy when she was sick. As long as Gu Qiqi held her, no one would want her.

Often, Qiqi would stay up all night, humming moonlight music while holding her baby bag, and pacing around the room...

If the palace lord is here, then it would be good to share half of it.

However, Gong Jue is indeed dead.

It was the prison guards who collected the bodies, and they hated Gong Jue so much that Gong Jue escaped from prison, leaving them completely humiliated.

If Gong Jue had not died, they would have thrown him into the military court and accepted the death sentence.

They are the people who hate Gong Jue the most. How could they let go of such a good opportunity and let Gong Jue die so easily?

Therefore, the only answer is that Gong Jue is really dead, and they have no choice but to leave this treason case in the dust.

Gong Jue is dead, and Chu Junmo wanted to tell the truth about the unknown village more than ten years ago, but he didn't tell it.

The confession was to save Gong Jue’s life.

But now all this is meaningless. Even if it restores Gong Jue's reputation, what's the use if the person is gone?

So he kept his mouth shut and let the truth continue to gather dust.

In terms of actions, he was doubly kind to Qiqi and Xiao Naibao, especially Xiao Naibao, to the point of pampering him without any limits.

When the little girl couldn't walk, she liked to "ride big horses". He was willing to lie down on the ground and be the horse and let her ride.

He would give the little girl whatever she wanted, probably even the stars and the moon, and he could not wait to climb up to the sky and pick them for her to satisfy her.

It can be said that he almost assumed half of the father's role for Gong Jue.

This can be regarded as his guilt and apology to Gong Jue.

It is also the guardian of Qiqi.

But three years have passed, and Qiqi still only has one palace lord in her heart.

There is no room for other men.

Sometimes he would be unwilling to give in, but most of the time, his mood was very peaceful: That's it, even if Qiqi didn't have him in her heart, he could be calm and peaceful with Qiqi, Xiao Naibao, and Xiao Tuanzi. To live steadily and unchanged is a lifetime of happiness, and it is also the happiness he dreams of.

But now, Qiqi not only firmly believes that Gong Jue is not dead, but also wants to find Gong Jue herself!

This made him feel a little uneasy...

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