Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1760 Have thoughts about another man's daughter!

Qianqian Novel Network

Hearing Beigong Niannian's milky voice softly calling "Wolf Wolf Babi", the man who went away trembled!

Suddenly, he turned his head slowly and glanced at the cute little milk bag.


Really like it!

He and Gu Qiqi are like a replica of the same mold.

His throat was dry, and he actually had an impulse to run back immediately, hug that cute little milk bag tightly, and respond to her immature call.

He is crazy!

Apart from saving Beigong Mingtian's daughter, he actually has an inexplicable closeness to another man's daughter!

You know, even if it was Gong Ting back then, he rarely wanted to hug her!

The man took a deep breath, resisted the urge, turned around, and continued to walk forward.

However, a clear female voice came out immediately, causing his figure to tremble violently!

"Nian Nian! Nian Nian? What's wrong with you? Why is your wrist green? Who bullied you? Where's Uncle Chu?" Gu Qiqi took Xiao Tuanzi and ran over anxiously, holding Bei Gong Nian Nian's hand , full of distress.

Beigong Niannian raised her bamboo-like lotus root arm, and pointed to the distance: "Mum, look! That wolf and wolf! He is so cool, he knocks down all the bad guys!"

Wolf wolf pappy?

What the hell is this?

Xiaotuanzi looked up angrily, but saw the back of a man disappearing around the corner.

His eyes widened! Thoughtful, his eyes darkened for a moment.

Gu Qiqi was using ointment to smear the bruise on Niannian's wrist, she was a little slow, and followed Nangong Niannian's line of sight to look over.

Saw nothing but a herd of giraffes and a crowd feeding the giraffes.

However, when he looked back, he finally noticed the men in black who had collapsed near the locker.

These people died silently, with one blow.

Gu Qiqi glanced over, only to see that the throats were all fatally wounded, moreover, the wounds were bitten by wild beasts.

To be more precise, it was the bite wound by the wolf's teeth and claws!

Gu Qiqi's heart beat wildly!


Although this is a safari park, it is a safe feeding area, not an area infested by wild beasts.

How could a wolf come out and bite someone?

How could it be so coincidental to help Niannian kill so many kidnappers with ulterior motives?

Could it be...?

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat.

She hardly dared to think about it deeply, but she couldn't control the thought——

The prince is back.

Is the palace prince back?

Was the one who killed these kidnappers the Palace Lord?

"Little idiot! The kidnappers want to arrest you, won't you run away? What are you doing here alone? I don't know if you follow Uncle Chu closely?" But very gently, he patted the dust off her skirt and blew on her bruised wrist.

The little milk bag pouted: "The baby is not a little idiot! The baby came to get the pills for Uncle Chu suddenly, suddenly fell ill! If it weren't for the baby not being tall enough to reach the locker, and no adults If you are willing to help me, you will not be caught by those bad guys! Next time you meet bad guys again, the baby will never let them go, hum!"

"That's because you're an idiot! You never drink bone soup when you're usually asked to drink it. Calcium deficiency certainly slows down your growth. Who will help you if you're an idiot?" Xiaotuanzi spoke contemptuously, but duplicity, tiptoed and stretched out his hand Open the high locker, take out Chu Junmo's backpack, and throw it to the little milk bag.

Hearing the discussion between the two little guys, Gu Qiqi realized that something happened to Chu Junmo. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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