Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1761 She firmly believes that the man has been here!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi had no choice but to look away from looking into the distance, endured her beating heart, and helped Xiao Naibao find medicine together, and then quickly walked to the fainted Chu Junmo to give him the medicine.

Chu Junmo's heart disease is old, if he doesn't let it go, it will be over, and if he does it, it will be fatal, and if he delays for a second, it may be separated forever!

It is important to save Chu Junmo, her avatar technique has been unstable since she gave birth to a small milk bag, and there is really no way to escape to find Gongjue.

It wasn't until Chu Jun Mo Youyou breathed a sigh of relief that Gu Qiqi felt relieved.

Before he had time to say a word to Chu Junmo, he immediately went to the person in charge of the wildlife park and wanted to get the surveillance video of the park that day.

Unexpectedly, the person in charge said it well in person. After walking around the monitoring room, he hesitated and refused to give it, saying that this is the company's commercial secret and that it cannot be given to outsiders unless there is an order from above.

Furious, Gu Qiqi had no choice but to call Adjutant Lu for help.

While Gu Qiqi was on the phone, Xiao Tuanzi silently took out the mini laptop he was carrying.

He silently launched the hacking program he designed, and broke through the monitoring system of the wildlife park monitoring room in less than a minute.

Then start searching for today's historical monitoring.

As a result, it was discovered that the monitors had been cleared!

The person in charge may not be lying, he is really unable to provide monitoring.

Xiaotuanzi closed the computer, and his doubts deepened.

Who else can kill the villain who kidnapped the little milk bag in such a short period of time, and also destroy the monitoring system of the entire park?

It's okay to do good deeds without leaving a name, but even the evidence of doing good deeds has been erased.

Is this man so afraid of being found?

Could it be... is it really him?

A tall figure appeared in Xiaotuanzi's mind, stepping on military boots and walking away... He was silent for a long time, his small face was very serious, and the eyes flashing in his pupils were very complicated.

until half an hour later.

Adjutant Lu finally got the permission and ordered the person in charge of the wildlife park to hand over the surveillance video. Only then did the other party have to admit that there was a malfunction in the surveillance room today, and all the videos were cleaned up, not even the backup. Down.

Gu Qiqi left disappointed.

It seems that the clue to confirm the man's identity has been cut off again.

However, the traces of sharp teeth and wolf claws on the throat of the deceased made her firmly believe that the man had come!

If that man came, where does the man go next?

The steel and concrete of the big city can't accommodate his uniqueness, so he might have to go back to the jungle.


She must go to Hanbeiling again!

She can't wait any longer!

She couldn't wait for the war to end, she had to go to him, immediately, immediately, without delay!

After returning from the safari park, she started preparations in full swing.

Her determination is too firm, and everyone around her can't persuade her.

The night before departure.

As Adjutant Lu had mentioned, she did receive a dinner invitation from the Vice President's wife.

The strange thing is that it was not marked on it, and the invitation was the words "Concubine H", but her boudoir name was marked on it: Ms. Gu Qiqi.

But these details don't matter.

Gu Qiqi has never been interested in this kind of boring high society gathering, if it wasn't because the purpose of the vice president's wife this time was to send off the soldiers who were going to fight in the frontier, Gu Qiqi would have thrown the invitation directly into the trash can.

Gu Qiqi just thought that those soldiers who were going to fight should be quite familiar with Han Beiling, and maybe they could get some news from them, so Gu Qiqi decided to go to the banquet.

It's just that she never expected that at such a boring high society dinner party, she would meet someone she hadn't seen for many years! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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