Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1762 Nouveau riche lady

Qianqian Novel Network

Because the dinner was more formal and it was held at the vice president's mansion, Gu Qiqi couldn't just show up in a white shirt and jeans to show respect.

She has to choose a dress.

When she opened the closet and looked for clothes, she found that she hadn't had the heart to buy new clothes in the past three years.

A closet full of luxurious evening gowns were all custom-made by Gongjue from the top designer Beigong Xiaojiu back then.

Now Beigong Xiaojiu has become her nominal husband's younger sister, but the life and death of her former lover Gong Jue is uncertain.

Beauty is beauty, but every piece can bring back the memories of the year, and the clothes are full of the taste of the palace and the aesthetics of the palace.

How can it not be sad?

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips and closed the wardrobe.

After thinking about it, she opened the closet again. In the corner, she found a pearl white dress with a one-line collar and inlaid pearls. It was simple and elegant, but it was long enough to reach the ankle, which was a little grand.

This piece was not ordered by Gong Jue.

It was the wedding dress that Beigong Mingtian ordered for her back then.

But in the end, by mistake, Wu Shijiu married him wearing another more grand and complicated palace-style wedding dress.

Gu Qiqi thought about it, she might as well use this one, she took out the scissors, and without any distress, snapped a few scissors, and cut off the skirt of the wedding dress, exposing the calf position directly.

It's cleaner and more everyday, and it doesn't look like a wedding dress.

Tried it on, it's not bad.

Because the original design was a wedding dress, which was tighter than ordinary dresses, she had to corset her abdomen when she wore it, and she had to pay attention to breathing in order to keep the skirt shape perfect.

Instead, she doesn't have that trouble now, because she has lost a lot of weight compared to three years ago, and she wears it just right.

On the contrary, Gongjue bought so many dresses and skirts before, even if she had the courage to wear them, she would not be able to wear them all. They are too loose, and she will look haggard...

Putting on an improved version of the dress, Gu Qiqi wore a simple handbag, which was the small bag that Beigong Niannian's aunt Beigong Xiaojiu gave the child for snacks, and wore a pair of Chu Junmo's last business trip. A pair of comfortable pearl-colored lambskin flat shoes, and her hair was casually tied up, and she went out in such a low-key manner.

It was dusk when we arrived at the vice president's mansion.

In the sunset, she slowly stepped up the steps. She was dressed in a low-key and light pearl-colored dress, but after being dyed in the sun, it was extremely dazzling and bright, and immediately attracted a lot of attention, including men and women.

Gu Qiqi didn't stop for those gazes, she gracefully signed on the welcome red carpet, didn't even take a photo while staying, and directly stepped into the corridor leading to the banquet hall.

At this time, because there are still many people walking on the red carpet to take pictures at the door, the promenade is a little quiet.

But as soon as Gu Qiqi appeared, immediately, a group of servants and several female relatives surrounded a noble lady, came from another corridor, and collided with Gu Qiqi.

That noble lady had a grand ostentation, with at least thirteen or fourteen servants, and she was wearing a golden gauze dress, which was even more complicated than Wu Nineteen's wedding dress, with a heavy diamond crown on her head, and her face was still hanging down. Wearing a layer of black tulle, although it looks grand, I always feel that I have used too much force. This combination of gold and black not only does not have the taste of aristocrats, but also feels like a nouveau riche.

In contrast, the clothes of the women's relatives and servants around the woman were quite normal.

However, Gu Qiqi is not keen on judging other people's taste.

She just glanced at it lightly, and took the initiative to give in a step, letting the noble lady go first.

After all, there are many people over there, and she is not in a hurry, so it doesn't matter if she gives way.

However, the noble lady stopped suddenly. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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