Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1766 The woman who moved me, courting death? !

Qianqian Novel Network

No matter who it is, I'm afraid that the so-called wife of the vice president is actually... Gu Xuexue!

That familiar domineering and domineering voice, that look in the eyes that see others as trash despite being full of idiots, that villain's self-satisfied countenance—they are exactly the same!

Gu Qiqi smiled instead of anger: "Gu Xuexue, when you were expelled from the Gu family back then, it's really not easy to climb to this position today."

Gu Xuexue's heart was ecstatic, and she thought to herself, as expected, her new identity has restrained Gu Qiqi!

It was not in vain that I waited for three years, played with the old man who was the vice president every night for three years, and spent countless times around several big shots before finally taking the position and becoming the old man's exclusive woman.

Gu Qiqi, are you afraid of this new identity? !

"Are you afraid? Gu Qiqi, I won't make things difficult for you. As long as you slip under my crotch in public, I will spare you and allow you to come in to my banquet!" Gu Xuexue became even more unscrupulous, and announced with a loud voice .

Her group of brain-dead women and maids kept booing: "My wife let you drill your crotch, because she thinks of you! Drill!"

Gu Qiqi frowned: "Dirty things are not worthy of talking to my sister!"

Gu Xuexue was furious: "I'm dirty? Okay, I'll let you experience the dirty end. Come, someone, throw this woman into the mud in the flower bed in front of the door, and let her know that she knew about the fraudulent trespassing of the vice president's mansion." The price! See who is dirty!"

With an order, the maids who hadn't dared to approach Gu Qiqi before gained courage and approached again.

The vice president's wife has spoken, if they don't listen, are they waiting to be fired?

Gu Qiqi's palms were full of strength, and she waited for someone with short eyes to come over so that she could practice her hands and see how the spiritual power that was weakened three years ago has recovered recently.

Who knows!

Before she could make a move, the footsteps of the man behind him rushed over quickly.

Pushing away a few maids first, his tone was displeased and full of warning: "Who dares to move, are you courting death?"

"Bei Mingtian, why are you here to join in the fun? I don't seem to have invited you!" Gu Xuexue dismissively.

Beigong Mingtian's eyes sank: "Hmph, with your status as a lowly person, you are not worthy of inviting us. It is your blood luck that you have cultivated in several lifetimes to come here with my princess!"

Dogs... what luck do dogs have?

Wang... princess? ? ?

Gu Xuexue was stunned.

"Bei Mingtian... are you that Prince H? Is Gu Qiqi married to you? Doesn't it mean that Prince H is a sexual, cold, and indifferent person who never shows up? Once, is it equivalent to being sidelined? You... haven't divorced her yet?" Gu Xuexue murmured, unwilling to accept this reality.

If it wasn't for hearing that Gu Qiqi was not favored by the royal family at all, never showed up at important events, and was about to get divorced, she would not have dared to step on Gu Qiqi's head like this.

How do you know that the prince is actually a senior brother Bei Mingtian who is in the prime of his life, and who is so protective of Gu Qiqi!

There must be something wrong, right? ? ?

——Sex, cold, bland?

——Into the limbo?

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched slightly when she heard this, it turned out that she was so pitiful in the eyes of the world, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the inhumane person she entrusted to her.

I don't know why, but she didn't get angry when she heard it, but wanted to laugh a little.

I really want to know how Beigong Mingtian reacted, would he want to kill someone?

She looked over curiously.

Sure enough, Beigong Mingtian's handsome face had turned into charcoal!

Beigong Mingtian glared at Gu Xuexue fiercely, and squeezed out words from between his teeth: "I'm afraid you don't know, a woman with no brains. The child of me and Qiqi will be called daddy when he is two years old?" Miss Zhenren Online service, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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