Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1767: Step on the face of the scum girl

Qianqian Novel Network

Qiqi and I's two-year-old child will be called Daddy!

This powerful rebuttal made Gu Xuexue dumbfounded, and even made everyone present wince their eyes—Oh my god, this princess is not only favored, but also has a very stable position. She has descendants of the royal family!

Not only those present were shocked.

Behind the rose bushes outside the corridor, next to several snow-white shadows, the tall figure of a man trembled even more violently.

That's right, she and Beigong Mingtian's children are already that old, and seeing each other that day was extremely unforgettable.

That pink and jade-carved appearance is really a natural little princess. With such a cute child and such a deep bond, Qiqi should never be able to leave the Beigong royal family, right?

As for myself, why bother to stand in the dark and watch from the sidelines?

I'm afraid she's having a bad time.

Afraid that she would be bullied.

She was afraid that some villain would stir up the past and make things difficult for her.

But he forgot that she has her black knight by her side, and now the man who can stand up and say "who dares to touch my woman" at any time is no longer him!

The man's back was vicissitudes, lonely, and he staggered out of the garden...

Due to the quarrels of the crowd, Gu Qiqi didn't notice the man who was not far behind him, who had a glimpse of him.

She took Beigong Mingtian's hand: "Let's go, don't quarrel with fools."

The purpose of her visit was to get information from the soldiers who were about to go to war, not to quarrel with the gossip woman.

Beigong Mingtian obeyed her: "Okay."

Turning around, he stared at everyone coldly: "You guys, do it for yourself!"

The cold eyes swept over everyone, and seemed to say silently: "This prince has remembered you, and I will definitely make you pay back one by one in the future. The stupid behavior of embarrassing my princess today!"

Everyone was terrified, why is the princess so low-key, and everyone doesn't know her.

What a tragedy, what a big shot!

Someone flattered you in a hurry: "Princess, it's because of our poor eyesight, I didn't see your body just now"

I want to flatter, but I can't make it up anymore.

On the contrary, it was a group of noble ladies who came up from the red carpet just now, and saw Gu Qiqi's skirt with sharp eyes: "Ah, isn't this the only wedding dress designed by the royal design genius Beigong Xiaojiu in this life? I remember the shoulders." The order in which the pearls are arranged is the ancient Greek alphabet, which means that there will be a couple for a lifetime. Beigong Xiaojiu said that there is only one person in this life who is worthy of wearing the wedding dress she designed by herself, and that is her sister-in-law!"

Gu Xuexue and the female relatives were dumbfounded.

That "slum shabby clothes" has such a big background!

It's not that Gu Qiqi has no taste, but that they are too blind to recognize them!

For a while, several people wanted to get into the cracks in the ground.

But those real ladies are not over yet:

"I also recognize the bag of the princess. It is a limited edition of Hermès. There are only three pieces in the world!"

"I like the princess's shoes. The new flat Chanel fisherman shoes are the most comfortable. They are comfortable and stylish. I think the princess wears them with dresses. I think they are very tasteful! The point is that these shoes are being snapped up like crazy. I can't buy it at all, I beg the princess to tell me where to buy it..."

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched again and again.

In fact, she really grabbed a few random things and went out. She never expected that everything that Beigong Mingtian, Beigong Xiaojiu, and Chu Junmo gave her and Xiao Naibao were so expensive.

Well, she pretended to be glamorous...

Well, even though she knows it's not very kind, she must admit that it's still a bit cool!

However, at this moment, the faces of Gu Xuexue and the others had already been stepped on the ground and rubbed back and forth mercilessly several times!

Watching Gu Qiqi enter the banquet hall gracefully surrounded by those real ladies...!

Gu Xuexue held on to a frozen dry smile, but she didn't know that there was even more ruthless punishment waiting for her—the online service of the real lady, helping you find books to chat with you, please WeChat/letter/search/search hot web articles or rdww444, etc. you come tease~

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