Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1768 Let the dead old man come forward to teach Gu Qiqi a lesson

Qianqian Novel Network

After Gu Qiqi and Bei Gong Mingtian entered the banquet hall domineeringly.

Gu Xuexue almost gritted her silver teeth on the spot, and managed to pick up the rubbed self-esteem bit by bit.

After all, she is still the hostess of the banquet, and the female servants behind her will still support her and flatter her.

She felt a lot better in her heart, she regained her strength, and said to Gu Qiqi's elegant back with a smirk, "Isn't it just marrying a foreign man who looks like a dog, what are you proud of? Hehe, H Guoyuan In the sky, don't forget that this is the empire!"

"That's right, that's right..." There was a series of echoes immediately behind him.

Although the voices were very low, because people were afraid of being heard by Gu Qiqi and Bei Gong Mingtian in the banquet hall, this echo seemed a bit shy and insincere.

However, Gu Xuexue still enjoyed it very much. She stepped on high heels and walked into the hall with her waist in shape.

Although, because she had an operation below, she had a few more beads and steel rings, her legs were always a little out of place when she walked, and her posture was very weird and ugly.

But she didn't seem to be aware of how ugly her walking posture was. Instead, she showed off her abilities and puffed up her chest desperately, expressing a warm welcome to the male guests she met in the hall.

After walking around, she found that very few people paid attention to herself.

Maybe because this is the first time she has appeared on a social occasion in high society, no one knows her at all.

In addition, she was still wearing a black veil, which made it difficult to see her face clearly. Everyone always felt very awkward when talking to her, and they would be cold before they could say a few words.

But she can't take it off, after all, her face has been scarred since the injury three years ago, and she hasn't completely healed after several plastic surgery.

Of course you can't meet people easily.

However, what made her most indignant was that it was the first time in three years that Gu Qiqi had appeared on a social occasion, so why was she able to talk freely when facing a bunch of strangers?

Especially when Gu Qiqi talked with those high-ranking generals in the army, he didn't know what questions he asked, and the other party appreciated them very much, and kept talking to her, as if he was not dealing with a little girl at all, but a military expert , the two chatted very speculatively, and seemed to be exchanging views on some important issue.

Gu Xuexue was even more jealous when she saw it!

Gu Qiqi, that bitch, can at best be a leader in medical skills, does she also understand military affairs?

Hmph, what a fart!

It must be that she doesn't know what tricks to use to seduce the man to talk, and to cuckold her man!

However, Beigong Mingtian was by the side, without saying a word, waiting very patiently, holding the wine glass and snacks for Gu Qiqi, just waiting for her to say that she was tired and thirsty, so she could go back and taste a little.

Gu Xuexue's heart itched when she saw it.

The old man who was half buried in the soil at home was almost on the same level as Beigong Mingtian.

Why is it that Gu Qiqi is tired of being played by Gong Jue, and she can still find such an excellent young man as Bei Gong Mingtian, while she can only be played by old men?

It's not that she hasn't looked for the rich second generation in the past few years, but it's a pity that young men are not interested in the thing in her body. Only old men, who are tired of love and need this kind of perverted stimulation, will be interested in it. She is interested.

So for the past three years, she could only deal with old men, and finally caught the big fish of the vice president after paying countless humiliations...

She was thinking, when the old vice president came, how should she act coquettishly, coaxing the dead old man to teach Gu Qiqi a lesson for her, to relieve her anger... Miss Zhenren's online service, help you find books To chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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