Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1776 Father and Daughter Meet 【3】

Qianqian Novel Network

After the kidnapper finished talking to the little milk bag, he covered his mouth belatedly, and hurriedly covered up: "Ahem, cough, what other uncle are you asking? It's nothing, my cotton candy is only for you to eat, you Don't worry..."

His eyes were also a little flustered, and he thought to himself, could it be that this little kid found out that he has accomplices, waiting to kidnap this little kid and transport them out together?

Who knows, the little milk bag oh, with a ignorant and childish expression: "Don't you have several uncle clowns? Red, yellow, blue, purple... all kinds of colors?"

I see!

The clown man breathed a sigh of relief.

Let's just say it's impossible for a kid to see through their tricks.

It turned out that the kid was asking the staff of the zoo, and there must be more than one person dressed as a clown.

So, those mercenaries who came to kidnap this kid last time were really stupid. They robbed him in broad daylight, and they would definitely be killed by the royal family.

Only a high-intelligence kidnapper like him, dressed up in a look that little kids like to hear and see, and coaxed step by step, can easily succeed!

The kidnapper boasted secretly a few times proudly, and then spared no effort to coax the little milk bag: "Come on, go with uncle to get more marshmallows!"

"But I want to see more uncle clowns and play with them!"

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Coaxing, the kidnappers took the little milk bag all the way to a remote rockery, where there is a secret door leading to the outside of the wildlife park, which is usually used to transport animal excrement and garbage out.

Seeing that the trick was about to succeed, Little Naibao asked expectantly, "Where are those red, yellow, and green clown uncles?"

The kidnapper gave an impatient grin and whistled, "Here we come!"

As soon as the whistle sounded, seven or eight strong men popped out of the four corners around the rockery!

Staring at the small milk bag, like staring at a heavy human-shaped gold bar!

The little milk bag glanced around calmly: "Is that all?"

The kidnapper laughed: "That's all? Little brat, if you grow two or three years older, we will be able to give you a turn one by one, do you believe it?"

"Hahahaha!" Seven or eight strong men laughed unscrupulously.

This rockery is the most remote place in the zoo, and it’s not the working hours of the dung trucks, no one will hear what they say, it’s a good place for murder, kidnapping and robbery

"What is a wheel?" Xiao Naibao was at a loss.

"Ahem, cough, this kind of brat is really not fun. Brothers, throw her in the sack, go, go and get the bounty!"

The kidnappers ordered while going to open the back door of the zoo.

Who knows.

After giving orders for a long time, the door opened, and after a few thumps from behind, there was no movement.

"Hey, hurry up!"

The kidnapper grunted in displeasure, turned around and urged his companions to quickly tie up the milk bag and take it away.

However, when he turned around, he was so shocked that he was out of his wits!

I saw those seven or eight strong men fell to the ground one by one at some unknown time, unable to move as if they were possessed by an evil spirit. What was even more frightening was that their mouths were also open and unable to close, but they could not speak. Protruding in horror, revealing the fear in their hearts! .

what's the situation? !

The kidnapper looked around nervously and vigilantly. There were no enemies at all, and the three powerful royal bodyguards did not follow. Apart from their own people, there was only that little milk bag who was less than three years old...

Wait, little milk bag!

The kidnapper's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at the little milk bag who was squatting next to a companion in disbelief! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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