Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1777 Father and Daughter Meet 【4】

Qianqian Novel Network

"Hey, what's going on with you guys? Little boy, get out of here!" The kidnapper was completely bewildered by the sudden situation in front of him.

But he knew very well that he had to take the little milk bag away as soon as possible. This little kid is a human-shaped gold bar. The sooner he takes it away and sells it for money, the better the deal!


On the ground, the squatting little milk bag suddenly stood up.

The milky voice disappeared in an instant, and the cotton candy in his hand was thrown into the trash can like tatters. He stood upright, and the whole person was so calm that he didn't look like a two- or three-year-old child. ,

In the sharp eyes, there is even a touch of coolness that is rarely seen in adults!

Beigong Niannian said in a deep voice: "Brother Yun, why is there a fish that slipped through the net here? You are five years old this year, so you are too old and confused. Why don't you send him to the west and save him for the summer vacation?"

As soon as the words fell, a precise and flexible miniature robot turned its wheels rapidly, holding a small spray gun, and sprayed violently at the kidnappers!

In the next second, there was a sound of "Plop!", and the kidnapper fell to the ground, unable to move, his throat seemed to be on fire, and he could not utter a word.

He finally learned from personal experience how the other seven or eight companions collapsed in embarrassment.

Damn, what kind of perverted robot is the robot called "Brother Yun" commanded by that brat, it can actually spray poison!

Moreover, it is also highly poisonous with strong anesthesia!

In his eyes, like the other strong men, fear gradually emerged - what is this little milk bag going to do to them? ? ?

Seeing that everyone was put down, the little milk bag was finally satisfied.

Slowly, she took out a bunch of transparent glass bottles and jars from the cute piggy page backpack behind her, spread them on the ground, and said to herself——

"Well, these two together can blind your eyes..."

"This bellflower is mixed with Crane's Crown Red, it can pierce the intestines..."

"Huh? This one is not bad either. After eating it, the whole skin will fall off inch by inch, and finally become a person without skin. It's so interesting..."

"I really don't know which one to use!"

Her voice was very clear and pleasant, but at this moment, every word, in the ears of those kidnappers, was a terrifying torture!


Intestinal piercing and rotten stomach?

Peel, skin? ! ! !

What a scary little doll!

What kind of little milk bag is this? This is clearly a little poisonous girl.

Who could have imagined that the little princess raised in the greenhouse in the royal family of Beigong would have such a painting style?

Obviously this little milk bag acted so innocently and stupidly before, Mengmeng could be coaxed away by a cotton candy.

It turned out that the small milk bag was cut open, and the core was poisonous, and it was very poisonous!

Before, they were just pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, trying to catch them all.

At this moment, all the strong men on the ground had fully seen Xiao Naibao's abilities, and no one dared to underestimate her.

They only hoped that the little poison girl could choose the lightest poison for them, preferably the one that poisoned them directly to death without pain.

Never in their life have they wished so much for themselves to die quickly, die!

But they couldn't make a sound from their throats, and couldn't move their limbs. Even if they wanted to kowtow to beg for mercy, they couldn't do it!

Her heart twitched violently every time Beigong Niannian spat out the name of a poison.

Afraid that Beigong Niannian would stop, he started to do it! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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