Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1778 Father and Daughter Meet [V]

Qianqian Novel Network

But Bei Gong Niannian was still in a hurry, muttering to himself: "Well, there are too many good things, usually they are just talk on paper, and I don't have the opportunity to do real-life experiments. Why don't we try the medicine one by one today? One, two, three... ...Well, there are nine of you in total, at least you can try nine kinds of medicine in turn, so you can make the best use of everything."

The kidnappers want to cry but have no tears!

Don't ah ah ah.

They don't want to become guinea pigs who test every kind of poison and suffer countless crimes. It's better to kill them directly!

But soon, Beigong Niannian changed his mind again: "Well, it's too cheap for you to just try nine kinds of medicine and die. Last time when your people came to kidnap me, I didn't have a chance to make a move, so I was caught The famous and handsome wolf wolf cake has been solved. This time, I will pay back double what you owed me last time. In my opinion, I will let you try the medicine once, give me the antidote once, and then give me the antidote once. Continue to test the medicine, and give you another antidote... Well, this way, you can always be guinea pigs, reuse waste, not bad, I will use you as experiments in refining medicine in the future!"

Brawny kidnappers, want to cry but have no tears!

Little ancestor, you haven't settled this account clearly. Last time our people were all killed, that account should be settled.

We can't take the blame for the dead, really!

We really don't want to recycle waste, or... just kill us waste, please!

Beigong Niannian made up her mind, took out her mobile phone and made a call: "Secretary Jin, help me prepare a laboratory."

On the other end of the phone, Secretary Jin replied respectfully: "Boss, what kind of laboratory do you want?"

"Hmm... the kind that can house nine mice, one room for one mouse. Then there is a separate room for me to make medicine and store medicinal materials... If there is no such laboratory in the company, you can Just go buy a building, my only requirement is that it be clean and fast! When it's done, ask me to sign it, and go to the finance department to report the account, and that's ok!" Bei Gong Niannian ordered solemnly.

On the other end of the phone, Secretary Jin seemed accustomed to her giving orders, and agreed very respectfully: "Yes, my subordinate will do it right away! Boss, do you have any other orders?"

"Not for the time being. Well...wait a minute, I was disgusted by a smelly and greasy marshmallow today. Go buy me a box of lollipops and put them in the company. I'll send someone over to get them later."

"Yes, boss!"

Beigong Niannian hung up the phone, feeling a little upset, and glared at the kidnappers fiercely: Really, these kidnappers are so unprofessional, they use cotton candy to trick a little girl into a scam? Too low, okay?

Do you know that the tasteful little girls now eat the brown sugar plum lollipops produced by their company, which warms the palace, nourishes the blood and regulates the spleen and stomach, which is very healthy.

Who cares about eating unnutritious marshmallows at roadside stalls? !

Little did they know, the kidnappers had already been shaken to pieces by her phone call!

Ask your subordinates to buy a laboratory with the flick of a finger?

Moreover, with such a large transaction of tens of millions, you can go to the company to reimburse the account with just a signature?

It sounds like this medicine refining company seems to be under the command of this girl!

Is she a female boss? ? ?

So scared ah ah ah ah ah ah ah.

Are the little brats now so awesome that they want to go to heaven?

The kidnappers burst into tears, thinking back to those days, when they were three years old, they were still wearing crotch pants, and they could only play with mud, and at most they played with their own chichi.

And this little girl has commanded against the sky, has her own power, and has the air of a commander! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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