Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,788 The Lord is silently guarding her

Qianqian Novel Network

"Thank you, no need."

Gu Qiqi thought carefully and politely declined.

She wants to stay here and wait for the palace prince.

No matter how enthusiastic Wu Er was, she had no interest in going with him.

Wu Er did not force himself. Seeing how stubborn the little girl was, he curled his lips and continued to urge his subordinates to move forward: "I received information that the Vice President of the Empire got a troop deployment order from the cabinet and sent a new team. Come to support the front line, we have to leave quickly, don’t run into the imperial army, the swords and guns are blind..."

The group of people walked away quickly without stopping.

However, if you pay careful attention, you will find a mercenary in black among the crowd, silently looking back, staring at Gu Qiqi's back, his Adam's apple rolling!

Gu Qiqi continued to guard the roadside, waiting for Gong Jue to return to Hanbeiling.

From the rising sun to the bright sun, from the bright sun to the setting sun... there is still no longing figure at the intersection.

On the contrary, at dusk, a more violent footsteps came from a distance, like an earthquake.

Gu Qiqi frowned and stood up: "Why are there so many people..."

Listen to the sound, there are eight or nine thousand if not tens of thousands!

Sure enough, a minute later.

The dark army appeared in Gu Qiqi's field of vision.

It's the Imperial Army!

Gu Qiqi suddenly heard what Wu Er said before leaving, saying that the vice president signed a new troop deployment order.

So that means these people are supporting the front line?

They were all from the Empire, so Gu Qiqi was not too nervous.

After all, before departure, at the dinner organized by the Vice President's wife, she met several generals who were very nice and patriotic.

These people should lead troops to fight with courage and love their people as their own children.

She walked toward the bushes nearby, preparing to make way for the army to make way for a flat road.


She had just taken a few steps.

Just behind me, a string of bullets whizzed by!

Attack her from behind!

Gu Qiqi had no idea that her country's army would attack her.

Is this still within the empire?

Even if she appeared alone on the roadside, she was still a citizen of the empire. The army did not protect her, but they attacked her? ? ?

Her eyes turned cold, hoping that this was a misunderstanding and that these people were shooting to warn her and drive her away.

She was flexible and quickly dodged the bullets sideways. While shouting in a standard imperial accent, "I am an imperial civilian, I will retreat immediately and will not hinder you." At the same time, she walked faster towards the bushes and gave way to the bushes.


One wave after another without stopping!

More dense bullets were attacking her as if they were free of money.

She even saw someone raising a heavy machine gun!

Damn it, is it necessary to use such a terrifying weapon to deal with her?

Are these people really Imperial troops?

Do they think they are spies? ? ?

Even if he is suspected to be a spy, shouldn't he be arrested and interrogated as soon as possible? Why did he attack her directly and intensively as soon as he came up, looking like he was going to kill her?

In an instant, countless questions appeared in Gu Qiqi's mind.

She really couldn't accept that the army led by Gong Jue in the past had become so unreasonable and cruel. They didn't even listen to her explanation and wanted to kill her indiscriminately.


Sure enough, heavy artillery attacks!

If this shot hit her head, she would be unable to avoid it and would definitely be shattered into powder. Not even her body would be left behind. The remains would be blended into this desolate thorny land, leaving no whole body behind.

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