Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,789 He can afford it!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi glared at the other party, wondering how she had provoked the army.

At the critical moment, the heavy artillery bombardment came.


There was a whistling sound behind him, and with a strong force, Gu Qiqi was rolled up and moved back several feet.

And in mid-air, facing the direction of the heavy artillery, a faint halo of light flashed, intercepting it.

The heavy artillery actually stopped in mid-air, like a dumb cannon, unable to fall down, it was useless!

This brilliant counterattack is clearly... the witch doctor's defensive technique!

Wu Jiu used it when fighting the enemy!

Gu Qiqi turned around in shock, only to see a mercenary in black let go of his hand. The same mercenary who had previously held her back suddenly lowered his eyes and turned his head to the side, quickly returning to the team.

Wu Er stepped forward and scolded her proudly: "Little girl, look, what I just said is right, right? Bullets don't have eyes. It's very dangerous for you to be here alone..."

Gu Qiqi interrupted him: "Why are you back?"

The corners of Wu Er's lips twitched fiercely: "Save you!"

Gu Qiqi stared at him deeply: "I have no connection with you, are you having a brain attack and helping me?"

Wu Er's lips almost twitched like crazy: "..."

Damn it, he's just crazy!

They were on their way smoothly, but they had already left several kilometers away, when his mercenary brother, the fourth master whom he met on the ghost island, suddenly looked at the birds in the sky and the wolves in the fields, frowned and ordered him to turn around and return. !

He really doesn't want to go back!

However, Fourth Master was the one he finally hired to help him escort the medicinal materials.

There are many people in the witch doctor clan who have strong magic skills, but now there are not many people who can be trusted by him. With Fourth Master, a professional mercenary, and several companions to help him, the journey has been smooth.

Therefore, he had to listen to what Fourth Master said.

The fourth master said that if he wanted to go back and save this little girl, he had to go back.

Of course, he must not admit that he went out of his way to save people, otherwise he would be ridiculed by the little girl like he just did!

He muttered angrily: "Yes, yes, I'm not here to save you, I just came back to see if any medicinal materials fell on the ground, hum! I just saved you by the way!"

Gu Qiqi glanced at the mercenaries behind Wu Er and said calmly: "I don't care if you save someone's life. However, since I saved my life, you must be responsible to the end. I will follow your team!"

What? How could there be such a righteous woman in the world? !

I have never heard of someone who has to be responsible for doing good deeds!

Are you sure it's not a scam? ? ?

Wu Er staggered, feeling congested and speechless.

He turned around and blinked at Fourth Master, hoping that the other party would come up with an idea.

The Fourth Master remained silent and made no comment. He only made a gesture to express his approval: Keep her.

Wu Er raised his forehead and was speechless...

Well, maybe he owed it to this little girl in his previous life, and he has to pay it back in this life, right?

Just take it with you, he can afford it as a wizard!

While the two were talking, the army on the opposite side paused for a while, as if they were suppressed by Wu Er's spell.

But not long after, he was ready to launch another attack!

Seeing that something was wrong, Wu Er hurriedly stepped forward and pushed Gu Qiqi behind: "Hey, which general of the empire are you subordinate to? I am the goodwill ambassador invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your empire from the Kingdom of Tonga. I have immunity. Free from any attack and punishment. Who dares to touch me?!"

Foreign ambassador?

Sure enough, the commander in the army hesitated for a moment when he heard this. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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