Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,790 A jealous and awkward man!

Qianqian Novel Network

But soon, he again ordered his men to continue the attack.

Haha, in this remote place, who knows if the other party is just making it up?

Just let that woman go with just one sentence? Don't even think about it!

The order passed down by the superiors today is that as long as a single woman is seen alone in Hanbeiling, she will be directly identified as a spy and shot without mercy.

It’s better to carry out the orders from above, it’s reliable!

The commander continued to order the attack, but he never thought that Wu Er was getting anxious!

Damn, don’t you listen to me?

Then don't blame me for being rude!


Wu Er was thinking, how can he use the power of seven or eight people to compete with the opponent's ten thousand people and use spells? Use poison?

Before I could think about it, I suddenly felt a chill in my waist.

"Whoosh——!" A sharp sound pierced through the air!

The commander on the opposite side had his military cap pierced and fell to the ground!

The commander was so frightened that he trembled, but his subordinate picked up the hat and handed it to him. Only then did he realize that the arrow fired by the other party also contained a letter of appointment.

The appointment document proving that Wu Er is the Goodwill Ambassador of the Kingdom of Tonga to the Empire!

"You have no objections this time?" Wu Er realized that the fourth master had personally shot that handsome arrow just now in order to let the other party confirm his identity, so he quickly cooperated and spoke.

The commander pondered for a moment. This document has the steel seals of two countries and cannot be faked.

It seems that the other party is really from the embassy, ​​so it is better not to provoke him, so as not to cause misunderstanding between the two countries.

After Fourth Master's intervention and Wu Er's cooperation, the commander of this army finally let Gu Qiqi go...

The group of people hurried forward in front of the army of ten thousand people, and finally went further and further away from the army's sphere of influence.

Seeing that it was getting late and there was no village or shop in sight, Wu Er temporarily decided to find a dry cave in the mountains and spend the night in the open.

There were not many people in the team transporting the medicinal materials. Everyone set up a bonfire and sat around together. They were all rough men and didn't pay attention to it. They just lay down with their clothes on and fell asleep soundly.

Gu Qiqi hadn't had a good night's sleep for seven days and nights.

Now that I joined the team, my nerves relaxed a little, and I quickly fell asleep like everyone else.

Later in the night.

The weather has turned cooler and the campfires have gone out.

Snoring and cold shivering sounds came and went in the cave.

A faint black shadow sat up.

The man took off his cloak, walked over to Gu Qiqi, and covered her gently.

He walked outside the cave again, braved the deeper exposure, and picked up a lot of firewood and dead branches. He came back and lit the fire again, making the cold cave warm again.

Do it all.

He stood next to Gu Qiqi and stared at her for a long time.

Then he glanced around and frowned——

How can someone be so ignorant? ? ?

I didn't know when Wu Er was seen, lying on his back in a very ungraceful sleeping position, lying next to Gu Qiqi.

One leg was pressing down on Gu Qiqi's little foot.

And Wu Er's claws, as he turned over and rubbed against the ground, almost touched Gu Qiqi's face...!

The man's face suddenly turned cold.

Even though the firewood in the cave was burning hot, his face looked as if it had been cold for the last nine days. Silently and unhappy, he stretched out his hand to pat away Wu Er's claws and move his legs and feet.

And then he was still angry.

Frowning, he stretched out his long legs and kicked Wu Er directly, knocking Wu Er away from his position.

He lay down with his clothes on, sleeping next to Gu Qiqi!

Well, the world feels a lot better and more normal this way!

The man fell asleep contentedly.

After a while.

Gu Qiqi, who was "sleeping soundly", suddenly opened her big black grape eyes!

By the firelight, stare deeply at the jealous and awkward man! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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