Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,798 Bad man, attentive

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue's eyes were slightly sour as he stared deeply at Gu Qiqi.

He thought of how many times in these long three years, he had stared at her silently and secretly from a distance, out of sight of her.

See her, Beigong Mingtian, Chu Junmo and others traveling with their adorable babies.

Looking at Beigong lying in the arms of "Baba" with longing and attachment.

Seeing those men scrambling to take care of her... Even Bai Lang, who had always been at odds with her and disliked her, was able to put aside his past grudges, live in peace with her, and often hang out with them...!

What particularly made him unhappy was Beigong Mingtian, who took his wife and didn't hide it at home, but brought her out so casually that everyone could see her.

He doesn't even stop his children from calling others daddy.

Even when an old man with ulterior motives like Chu Daiyu surrounds Qiqi and makes a few blind gestures of courtesy with ill intentions, that idiot Beigong Mingtian is not vigilant.

How stupid!

Seeing Gong Jue clenching his fists countless times, he wanted to rush out, take her back, and announce to the whole world that this woman is obviously my wife. You wild men, get away with her!

However, he still endured it.

If he rushes out, all his efforts to fake his death will be in vain.

Didn't he use "death" to escape just to give Qiqi a peaceful space, an environment where she could continue to pursue medical skills, and a society where no one would give her any more shit?

Isn't it just so that no one dares to insult her as a traitorous woman or a woman who mates with wild beasts?

He used "death" to put an end to the treason case and speculation about his identity and race.

From then on, Qiqi got rid of the rumors and could live without any burden, focusing on raising her and Beigong Mingtian's child, a normal human child, not a child of a wild wolf...

How could he destroy everything he used "death" to accomplish because of selfish love again?

The ultimate meaning of love is fulfillment.

At this moment, seeing that Gu Qiqi still hadn't forgotten him after three years, was still looking for him, and was still trying to help him find evidence to exonerate him, the "fulfillment" in Gong Jue's heart almost collapsed again.

Gong Jue endured it again and again, and finally resisted the impulse in his heart. His scorching eyes gradually calmed down, and he deliberately changed his voice and said in a deep voice: "If you want to save people, let's set off immediately without further delay!"

Gu Qiqi glanced at him, but still insisted on negotiating a deal with the old man: "Then it's settled, I will bring your daughter and daughter-in-law back, and you will appear on the scene to record a video for me to prove what happened that year. .”

As she said that, she slightly raised her lips: "I am not a kind-hearted woman. If you don't do what you promised me, your daughter and daughter-in-law, I will..."

She made a clicking motion to scare the old man.

The old man's shrinking eyes flashed, and he nodded with some fear.

Gong Jue twitched his lips: "..."

Alas, the stupid woman is still so naughty!

How can any bad person take the initiative to say that he is bad?

Everyone left some compressed dry food and water for the old man and took the time to set off again.

Gu Qiqi insisted on helping the old man find the captured female relatives. Originally, Wu Er's trip was to cross the border, so it was best to stay away from the army in case something changed.

However, the scenes I just saw in the village were too tragic.

Thinking of the corpses everywhere and how brutally the captured female relatives would be treated by the men... Wu Er's sense of justice couldn't help but rise in his heart, and he agreed to go rescue people with Gu Qiqi.

Gong Jue, on the other hand, did not show any obvious enthusiasm along the way... A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you~

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