Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,799 Master Qi is so handsome when he abuses the scum!

Qianqian Novel Network

Not only did Gong Jue show no obvious enthusiasm, but he also poured cold water from time to time: "If the entire village can be wiped out, it goes without saying that the opponent's methods are ferocious, and the number of people will not be small. In addition, if the opponent is really a regular army, we will If we meet head-on, the chances of winning are slim!"

Gu Qiqi shouted back angrily: "Who said we have to face each other head-on?"

Wu Er touched his chin: "We are so obviously following the footsteps of his army. If we don't face him head-on, how about facing him from the side? Uh... No, we face him from behind!"

Gu Qiqi glared at him, with the kind of look she used to glare at idiots: "Catch the thief first, capture the king, how about understanding?!"

"Capture..." Wu Er's lips twitched.

But Gong Jue had already taken over the conversation: "Capture the thief first and capture the king first. This strategy is feasible. Let's catch up with the team and wait until the other party sets up camp at night to take action."

"Well, go directly to the coach's military tent and control him! Don't alert others." Gu Qiqi answered fluently. Her military strategies were all learned from Gong Jue's military books.

Naturally, he is of the same line as Gong Jue, and his thinking is completely based on the same model.

The two of them didn't feel anything special yet.

Others were stunned for a moment.

Especially Wu Er, he looked at this and that, his eyes swayed for a while, and he sighed: "Why do you guys, Mao, make so much sense?! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you owe taxes on your IQ."

"Because you need to replenish your brain."

Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi said in unison.

Hearing this, Wu Er suppressed a big blush. Damn it, why is Mao so familiar with the feeling of being scolded all the way, which hurts his self-esteem? ? ?

Putting Wu Er aside, Gong Jue directly ordered his mercenaries to explain how they should cooperate with him inside and outside when the time comes, and cooperate with him to break into the coach's tent and provide support.

Even, Lai specially left two people and arranged for them to guard the perimeter with Wu Er, while protecting Gu Qiqi and Wu Er's medicinal materials.

Upon hearing that she was going to stay, Gu Qiqi frowned: "Why doesn't action count for me?"

Gong Jue: "Revenge is a man's business."

Gu Qiqi glared at him, slightly angry, and just about to explode, she suddenly suppressed it and said in a calm tone: "Without the help of a woman, you can't accomplish anything! There might be the woman we are looking for in the military tent..."

"It's just in time to capture her and serve her relatives." Gong Jue said without thinking.

Gu Qiqi snorted, curled her lips, and reminded slyly: "What if the woman in the military tent has no clothes? What if she is having something indescribable with the coach? Are you sure you can do it if a group of men go in?"

Gong Jue: "..."

Damn, the stupid woman knows him too well.

If others can do it, he certainly can't.

Even now, he still hasn't cured his problem of not being able to touch women.

If you accidentally bump into a naked woman during a fight... it would be embarrassing and dangerous.

Gong Jue glanced at Gu Qiqi suspiciously - the stupid woman wouldn't really recognize him, would she? After all, he has changed a lot in the past three years. Not to mention the changes in his appearance, his voice and temperament should be very different from before, not to mention that he also wears thick gloves to cover up the wolf claws that may appear at any time. , wearing a robe that almost covered the whole person...

It should be just a coincidence that she said that, right?

Seeing Gong Jue's silence, Gu Qiqi made a decision directly: "That's it, I have decided to take part in the operation to break into the coach's tent. There is no need to doubt that I am a woman, so I can't deal with those scum! I will let them know that I have messed with them. What’s the fate of women!”

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